Episode 2 Part 2

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(The next day at school)

"So, so, how was your date with Aoyama-kun, Ichigo?" Moe asked as her, Miwa, Amai and Ichigo were eating lunch outside. Miwa grinned. "Did you two have fun?"

Amai bit into her apple, wondering what Ichigo would say about the day before. She guessed Ichigo and Aoyama had a good time together before the chaos of becoming Mew Mews happened.

"What if she tells them about accidentally kissing him? Oh, that'll be the talk of the day!"

"What are you doing?!"

Moe's cry made Amai look up from the fruit. She could not believe her eyes. Ichigo with a fish in her mouth, eyes big, just like a cat! That was just... weird.

It didn't stop there. All throughout the school day, Ichigo was acting just like a feline. Falling asleep during class, getting into hissy fits with stray cats on the roof. Amai had to admit, though, that similar things were happening to her. Not to the same extent as Ichigo, but she was feeling more tired during class, and she nearly fell down the stairs, but landed on her feet perfectly, like a cat coming down from a tree.

At the end of the school day, Amai observed her best friend sulk on the windowsill in the hall.

"Amai-chan, something's really wrong with me today."

Amai frowned, but then remembered what Ryou had told them yesterday.

"When you both were at the museum, we infused you with the DNA of the Snow Leopard and the Iriomote cat."

"Ichigo, remember what Ryou said before about us having the DNA of the Snow Leopard and Iriomote cat? Maybe we're both experiencing feline behaviors."

That was not something Ichigo was happy to hear. "What?! So, we're turning into cats?!"

"Momomiya-san? Yukimura-san?"

The girls looked to the right, seeing Aoyama standing a few feet away. Ichigo stood straight. "Aoyama-kun!" Amai took a step back, wanting to let the two talk.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. Apparently, I just passed out." He walked forward. "When I woke up, I was already home." He smiled down at Ichigo. "Are you okay, Momomiya-san?"

Ichigo looked flushed. Amai was about to step in to help her, but stayed where she was.


Ichigo snapped back into it. "I-I'm good!"

"Your face is red." The boy put his hand to Ichigo's forehead, which increased her blush tremendously. Amai swore she could hear her friend's pounding heart from where she was standing.

"Oh, Ichigo."

"You aren't coming down with a fever, are you?" Taking Ichigo's hand, Aoyama asked the question with a blush of his own coming onto his cheeks. The two just stared at each other for what seemed like ages. It was becoming awkward for Amai, just watching silently on the sideline.

But then, she noticed something on Ichigo's head.

Her cat ears!

Luckily, Ichigo noticed too.

"Ahh!" She panicked, and covered them quickly, as well as her tail, which popped out. Quickly, Amai stepped in to aid her, pulling her away from Aoyama and around the corner.

As they went away, Ichigo called out to Aoyama. "Th-thanks! Good luck at kendo!"

Amai took Ichigo to a popular street in town close to the school, where lots of students from other schools would hang out. There were stores with accessories, clothes, and treats, perfect for a relaxing time after classes.

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