Chapter 6

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Beaus POV:

We were now eating the dinner, Jessi cooked for us.

"So how was the sleepover guys?" Jessi asked looking at both of us with an excitement in her voice.

"It was so much fun" I smiled.

"Yess we first just hung out then watched a movie and then I fell asleep hahaha and on the morning we pranked Jai and then I left and just got out for a walk by myself" she smiled.

"Aww that sounds fun you guys!!" Jessi smiled widely.


"Here you go beau, have a little more of spaghetti" Jessi smiled at me.

Jessi wanted to put something more on Faith' plate as well but she said she was full.

"Babe are you sure you are full?" Jessi smiled.

"Yes, thank you so much Jessi, the food was very very delicious" she said and we moved a long, talking from here and there.

Faith' POV:

Tonight was very fun even though the day didn't start very well and I am happy that I spent time with Jessi I love her so much. As I was younger she used to always call me and make surprise visits also she once went to dubai and bought me such a gorgeous golden necklace with her and my initials in a heart. I still have it to this day and it is one of my favorite necklaces ever. It means so much to me.

Also it was very fun with beau, he is so nice and It means so much to me that he really cares about me no one has ever really cared about me, of course besides my parents but I never really had a close friend who supported me or something.

"Hey uhm beau would you like to stay over tonight?" I asked very shyly. I wasn't sure if I should ask it but it was very fun and I enjoyed his presence.

"Of course, that would be so fun" he smiled widely.

"Would it be okay with you Jessi?" I asked all nervous because I forgot about her.

"What a question Faith? It would be a pleasure" she giggled.

"You guys can go up to your room if you'd like" she continued

"No I am going to help you clean the dishes" I insisted.

"Yes, me too Jess" Beau smiled

"No, you guys, thank you but go up"

"Are you sure Jessi?" I asked

"Yes Faith babe" she took my hand and kissed me on the cheek.

"Well then come on beau" I smiled and with that we got up and got to my room.

"I really enjoyed dinner" he said.

"Yes, me too, it was really fun and I loved talking with you two" I said shyly because I sounded like a freak

I loved talking with you two

Like why did I say that, that sounds so fucking stupid.

"Haha yea it was fun, we should repeat it one day" he smiled widely

"I'd love that!!" I giggled.

"Tell me some things about you, Faith. What for example do you want your future to look like?" Beau looked deep in my eyes.

"Well, I want to be a therapist when I grow up and help other people, I want to get married and I also want to have 5 kids" I giggled at that and continued to talk "annnd some of them are going to be adopted because I want to give children without a family a home and a family who loves them endlessly and supports them"

"That's so cute, and I find it very cool that you think about helping other people in the future at your age" he said

"Haha thanks beau, and what about you?" I smiled

"Well, I want my and the boys career to get bigger and I want to make people smile and make them laugh. Performing and shooting those videos is fun and especially I get to do it with my best friends but to know that those videos, concerts, etc. Make other people happy and smile and just amuses them is even more fun and it is amazing. When it comes to my personal life I want to get married and have kids as well, but I don't know how many hahaha" Beau smiled

" And at the moment? Are you guys planning a Tour or something?" I asked

"Well we of course shoot videos but we didn't talk about another tour yet"
"Oh so you have already been on Tour?"

"Yess we have our last Tour was called Got Cake" Beau smiled widely, you could see the happiness in his eyes when he talked about the YouTube stuff.

"Hahahaha that's cool" I giggled, I found it funny that their tour was called Got Cake.

"Woow" Beau whispered.


"Oh nothing"

"Beau tell me!!" I annoyed him until he told me

"It's just I find it funny how you don't know anything about us" he said

"Oh yeaa uhm well I am not really into all those YouTubers, I only listen to music there and that was it" i awkwardly smiled.

"It's okay, so I know you didn't have been long here but how do you find it?" He said with an excitement in his voice, which I thought was so cute

"I like it and I think a new start is really what I need... I mean I got to meet you boys and the few days have been very fun " I smiled, I didn't want to say something negative or like about my parents or something because I feel like that I would let him down with something like that, and I do not want to let him down

"We are happy as well, I mean we found a new friend" he smirked


He said I was their friend. Wow these boys accepted me exactly how I was, especially beau and I very thankful for that.
And I do think that I will have much fun with these boys and that I will experience a lot with them as well.

I just smiled widely at him because I didn't know what to say.

"What time is it by the way?" He asked

"Waitt, it iiiiiss 11:23 pm"

"Uhhhh it's soon midnight" he smirked "you know what that means" he smirked even more.

"No, no I don't, beau" I laughed

"IT MEANSS TIME FOR A SCARY MOVIEEEE" he kinda sang and yelled at the same time.

"Oh goshhhh, okay which one do you like to watch?" I asked


"STOP I have an idea, let's watch unfriended" I giggled and smirked

We made us some popcorn, layed down on my bed with my laptop on it and started to watch it...

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