Chapter 37

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You looked at his bony figure. He seemed like a dried twig, his body scarred with various marks, and dried blood splattered on the wall. His eyes were sunken, but the spark in them remained. Whatever horrors he had endured, they had not broken him. Relief washed over you.

You hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go. "You're killing me," he said, laughing. The sound of his laughter filled you with joy and a momentary reprieve from the despair.

He grasped your hands, and the chains binding him clinked as he turned you towards the left. The color drained from your face as you saw numerous photos of your friends, detailed plans, and your missing mobile phone on the table. The reality hit you hard - they were responsible for everything.

You picked up your phone and switched it on while quickly using the master key to free Ichigo. "Why did they do this all in front of you?" you asked, tracing the red strings on the board.

"To fill me with pain," Ichigo replied, leaning against the wall and wincing slightly.

"Let's get you out of here. You can't go home, but I know where you can go," you said, your eyes glinting with determination.

You tore a page from a nearby notebook and wrote down an address and a small letter. You didn't have many options, but this would have to do for now. Ichigo' s eyes widened as he read the address, and he kept asking if you were sure. You assured him you were.

"They never intended to let you go," he said sternly. "I will not leave you here."

"Aww, my little brother is worried now, is he?" you teased, pulling his cheeks.

He groaned, "It's only an 11-minute difference."

"The best 11 minutes of my life," you replied, trying to lighten the mood.

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. He shifted again, wincing slightly as his back touched the wall. You frowned and turned him around, horrified by what you saw. The wounds were fresh, barely two days old.

"Who did this to you?" you demanded.

He sighed. "I will take all the evidence. You keep the phone. In case something happens, call our brother. Please be safe."

"I asked you, WHO DID THIS TO YOU?" you repeated, anger boiling inside you.

Ichigo grabbed your shoulders, bringing your heads closer. "Y/n," he said softly.

You calmed a bit after looking into his yellow eyes. They reminded you of the sunrise you used to watch from your rooftop as kids. "I will distract them while you hide in the hallway."

He hesitated but nodded. "Go," you urged, pointing at the open door.

You waited for him to disappear into the hallway before closing the door silently. You needed to look the part, so you splashed water on your forehead and disheveled your hair. Within moments, you appeared as if you had seen a ghost.

You put your phone securely in your pocket, reminding yourself to check it as soon as you were out of this hell.

Dear god,
Can this day get any worse.?

I hope my bad luck streak ends now

It was way too easy. You got on the bed and screamed, a sound akin to a feral cat shrieking on an abandoned road. You clutched your hair tightly and closed your eyes.

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