the café

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The first thing Crystal Methyd felt when she woke up the next morning was the overwhelming sensation to vomit.

Her head pounded and she groaned against the blinding light coming through her window curtains. Rolling to her side, she reached over to the bedside table and grabbed her phone. She groaned again when she saw it was nearly two pm.

Tossing the phone to the side, Crystal rolled onto her back, eyes closed, arm draped over her forehead. She focused on keeping her breathing calm as to not upset her head further or cause herself to throw up.

Thinking to the night before, she scrambled her mind to make the events at the club less hazy and make sense.

Crystal felt her phone buzz beside her, and she grabbed the phone, a soft blush immediately overtaking her already flushed cheeks.


When Gigi woke up, she didn't feel as horrible as she thought she would. She had a slight headache, but having not gone too much over her four drink limit brought her some relief. She easily remembered everything that happened the night before, a blush pinkening her cheeks as she recalled the small kiss Crystal had given her upon her departure.

Looking at the time, just a little past one, Gigi wasn't sure if she should text Crystal or not. She absolutely wanted to but she didn't want to come off too strong, especially if Crystal was still sleeping, which she expected she was with how late they were up and how much she drank.

Deciding to wait a bit, Gigi got up and started her day. She didn't get past brushing her teeth and getting dressed before her thoughts were overpowered by Crystal and the want to text her. Giving in, Gigi laid back down on her bed, on her stomach, feet kicking in the air like a highschooler with a crush, holding her phone and looking at Crystal's contact.

She typed a simple greeting, thumb hesitating on the send button. Suddenly nervous, she closed her eyes and turned away, all but throwing her phone in front of her when she pressed send.


Deciding that was too simple, Gigi picked her phone up again. She thought for a moment before her heart dropped, dread suddenly filling the pit of her stomach.

What if she doesn't remember me?

Gigi took a deep breath, trying to reason with herself. There was a great chance Crystal wouldn't remember her. But, there was also a chance that she did. Crystal did say she had a pretty high tolerance, and seemed to have sobered up quite a bit by the end of the night, so there might still be a fighting chance.

Deciding to just act normal and allow Crystal to say if she remembers her or not rather than directly asking, Gigi sent her next message.

how are you feeling?

Gigi nodded to herself.

That's good.

She waited a few moments, doing nothing but staring at the screen. After the first minute passed, her anticipation drained, suspecting that Crystal was, most likely, still asleep.

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