the rescue

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The door slammed shut behind Gigi as she threw herself into the police car. Her heart threatened to pound out of her chest, elated yet anxious as she waited, impatient, for the officer to get in and start driving. Heidi sat down next to her, just as ansty to get moving.

They knew where Crystal was.

They were going to save Crystal.

Gigi couldn't help the tears streaming down her cheeks, her cries having never really stopped since her heartbroken mourning session she was just having on her couch a few minutes before. However, the tears were now pure hope rather than the despair it was before.

She jumped when the engine finally turned on, slightly annoyed at how long it took for the policeman to do so. Why weren't they as urgent as Gigi was? Crystal's life was on the line; she'd appreciate a step on the gas.

Was she exaggerating? Maybe a little - the police officers were doing their job, staying calm, collected, and professional. But Gigi felt justified in wanting to hurry up. They had to get Crystal. They had to get her before-

Gigi's breath caught in her throat.

What if they're too late? What if they get to her and she's- she's-

Gigi closed her eyes and shook her head. She couldn't think like that. There was still hope. It had only been a week; surely Crystal could have lasted that long? Gigi hoped so. She really, really hoped so. She wouldn't know what to do with herself if all of their efforts had been in vain. If they got there and Crystal was already gone...

A hiccupped sob passed her lips, catching Heidi's attention.

"Hey," she said, putting a comforting hand on the other girl's shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Gigi, you hear me? We're getting Crystal, first and foremost, and then we'll figure the rest out later. No matter what happens, it'll be okay."

Gigi could only nod and try to control her thoughts, consoling herself with the fact that they were going to get Crystal. She was going to see her Crystal again, no matter what. Whatever happens, there will at least be closure. But damn did she pray that Crystal was alive.

When Gigi asked why there were no sirens, why they weren't speeding through traffic to get to the location as fast as possible, she was told it was to not grab the attention of Crystal's holder. They didn't know what they were going to face. If the man heard them coming, he might grab Crystal and flee. At that point, they would be back to square one, so they couldn't take any risks.

Gigi understood but couldn't help but be put off by the longer drive. She needed to see Crystal now, for both her and Crystal's sakes. She needed her to be okay.

Heidi and Gigi pressed against each other to stay grounded while they drove through the agonizing traffic. If Gigi were being honest, the traffic was not bad at all. In all actuality, they had made every green light and only passed a few cars. But Gigi was shaking with anticipation and anxiety and hope and exitement and just about every emotion anyone could think of, and she couldn't bear waiting any longer.

After an agonizing half hour, they finally, quietly, pulled up to a house on the outskirts of town. Gigi looked out the window to see stretches of grass and wide spaces between each house. Enough space for someone to scream for help without being heard by the neighbors. She swallowed thickly.

"Stay in the car for your safety," one of the officers said as Gigi already opened the door and stepped out of the car. "Or not."

Heidi got out after Gigi, the two of them standing and staring at the small house that stood before them. They only moved when the police started to walk up to the door. Gigi followed anxiously, seeing the policemen's hands hover over their tool belts. The ones with the guns and tazers and all that. Was she sure she didn't want to stay in the car afterall? She took a deep breath and tried to relax. She had to go in and save Crystal, like she had promised. She would carry out that promise if it was the last thing she did.

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