the basement

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The first thing Crystal did when her eyes blinked open was rub her head. She looked around blearily, eyes fluttering in slow, tired blinks, the searing pain in her head distracting. She tried to sit up off of the cold, hard ground, grimacing at the pounding headache from each neck movement.

"Hello?" she instinctively said, eyes flitting around the dark room. Her vision spun, and she could hardly tell where she was.

What happened? Where am I?

Crystal sat up, still looking around, wracking her brain for any reasoning as to where she was. The more her mind cleared, the more she realized what the room she was in looked like.

Am I in someone's basement?

Groaning and rubbing the side of her head as the pain spiked from thinking too hard, she observed more of her surroundings.

There wasn't much.

Four walls, a staircase. Darkness, nothing.

There was nothing in the room other than her.

It was deafeningly quiet in the cold room, and Crystal could hear her thumping heart through her throbbing head.

Eyes on the staircase, Crystal shakily stood and took a step, but instantly fell over, groaning as the marbles rumbled around in her head. She rubbed her chin that just smacked the ground, eyes tightly shut as painful tears stung. She looked to her feet that had made her fall, eyes widening at the chains wrapped around her ankles. Sitting up and reaching over, her fingers fumbled around the metal, pulling at the handcuff-type locks. Her feet were nearly tied together, her limbs tethered to the ground so that she couldn't even take one step from where she was. The chains were too tight to slip over her ankles for an escape.

Leaving the chains alone, she went back to rubbing her chin. As the pain subsided - well, it very well could have gotten worse; she was just getting used to it - she let her mind wander to the last time she was conscious, trying to remember as to how she ended up tied to the floor of a basement.

Tears of emotion, rather than pain, sprung to her eyes as she thought of Gigi. She had never gotten to tell her that she loved her. Did she even make it to the club? Gigi must have been so worried! Crystal hoped she didn't think she stood her up. She patted her sides to feel for her phone, frowning when she realized she didn't have it. How was she supposed to tell Gigi that she didn't mean to stand her up?

She blinked and remembered more, relaxing when she realized she had made it to the club. It was Gigi who didn't make it, having to cancel for her surprise family visit. Her frown deepened when she remembered how disappointed she was when she couldn't come. And how much worse she felt when she saw Dahlia.

She had gone to the club like normal, so how did she end up here? Her brain thumped as she thought harder.


A man had followed her from the club. She had walked in circles for a while until he finally caught up. There was a gun.

Crystal furrowed her eyebrows. She had heard the gun click, but didn't remember it going off. She patted around her body, feeling for pain, blood, or maybe a hole of some sort. She sighed in relief when there wasn't one.

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