the texts

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The next day was living hell for Gigi.

After finding Crystal's purse, Heidi had called the police and filed a missing person report. While Heidi was on the phone, Gigi had been inconsolable, rocking back and forth, hugging the painting of her and Crystal tightly to her chest.

When the police arrived to the scene, they had asked Gigi a few questions before offering her a ride home when she could no longer answer - not that she could answer much in the first place, with no help from her sobs and lack of knowledge on the situation. If it were even possible, she cried harder at seeing how long it took for the policeman to drive her home, breaking her heart further that Crystal had walked a few miles away from home in an attempt to save herself. And she was unsuccessful. No thanks to Gigi.

Heidi had arrived at Gigi's house shortly after, not being able to help the police any further and leaving them to do their job. While the two didn't know each other very well, they tried their best to comfort each other for the rest of the night.

So, when Gigi woke up cold and sore the next morning, she couldn't find any will to do anything. She pulled herself together enough to bid farewell to Heidi, who had stayed the night, before collapsing back on her bed, exhausted. Her mother and Nicky were already up with breakfast ready, doing all that they could to help Gigi out. They had gotten the rundown by the police officer the night before when they had dropped a hysterical Gigi off.

Instead of making Gigi come socialize at the table, they brought a plate of food to her room. When they entered, Gigi kept her head burried in her pillow, their talking nothing but a muted muttering light years away. The plate was sat on the bedside table next to Gigi's head. She turned to look at it, but instead caught the eye of the painting she had perched on the stand. Her lip quivered and she picked it up, holding it back to her chest as she put her head back into her pillow, silent tears wetting the pillowcase.

Sitting there for a moment, she pulled out her phone and went to Crystal's contact. She shied away from the last thing she had sent, her messages about meeting at the café to talk, and scrolled up to the last thing Crystal had said. A sob caught in her throat seeing the words.

Cream Puff💜💜
i cant wait to see you tonight, pretty girl xxx🩵🩵🩵😗

Gigi couldn't believe she had actually thought Crystal could ever cheat on her. She read and re-read the last text until she couldn't see it past the tears anymore.

She missed Crystal so much.

It had been bad when they were broken up, those three days nearly unbearable, but now it was nearly killing Gigi. Not only were they broken up, but Crystal was gone. She was missing. Gigi had no clue where she was, if she was okay, what had happened that dreadful night. What if she never saw Crystal again? If she could never find her and explain what had happened so they could be together again? If she could never hug, hold, or give sweet kisses to Crystal again? If Crystal never wanted to see her again? What if Crystal was dead?

Gigi's cries stopped short, breath catching as her heart dropped to her stomach.


It was unbearable to think about.

The hysterics grew frantically until her mother came rushing in, trying to calm her down before she hurt herself.

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