the hospital

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Being bored was not something Gigi was used to. Typically, between work, plans with friends, and dating Crystal, she had little to no time to be bored. But now, staying in the hospital all day everyday got her boredom caught up from lost time. There was really nothing to do in that dull room when Crystal was asleep, which asleep she was for most of the time.

Crystal slept a lot.

Gigi was more than happy that Crystal was sleeping, that she was getting the rest she needed in order to get better, but that meant that Gigi was left with no one to talk to or do activities with.

So, that's how Gigi found herself at ten pm, coloring one of the kid coloring books the nurse had brought in for her and Crystal. Not being able to do much, Crystal was the one to suggest that the coloring books be brought in, nearly begging like a puppy to be able to color with some worn-down crayons. Gigi happily joined her when the nurse brought in the pages, heart nearly bursting at seeing the child in Crystal be so joyous over some coloring. Crystal was entertained with the books and crayons for nearly four hours, which surprised Gigi, because Crystal was typically only awake for two to three hours at a time. At the time, she was happy for the extra hour she got with Crystal, but she later cursed it when Crystal stayed asleep for an extra hour to make it up.

With the heart monitor counting time and Crystal's soft breathing assuring she was still alive, Gigi worked about the coloring page. She finished and held it up, analyzing the puppy and kitten that she had colored to be purple and blue respectively. She set the paper back down, looking at it for another second before writing their names above the animals' heads, making Crystal the puppy and herself the kitten. Another second passed before she grabbed the pink crayon and drew a heart between the two.

She looked at the picture for a moment before sighing and putting everything away. She set the paper on Crystal's bed tray that was pushed off to the side.

Stretching her back with a groan, Gigi stood up and started to walk in circles. There wasn't anything to do but pace. All of her apps on her phone were in order, no one was due to visit until the following day, Crystal was asleep, she finished seven coloring pages, and she lost Solitaire four times.

She walked around for maybe two minutes before becoming bored, opting then to tidy her stuff. She had been practically living at the hospital for the past three days, and it honestly looked it. Un-cramping the small room, she shoved her belongings into her backpack ungracefully until she was satisfied with the now clear space.

Admiring her work and trying to come up with something else to do, a change in the heart monitor caught her attention. A small mumble behind her sent her head whipping around to face where it had come from, anxiety washing over her.

Crystal was looking at her blearily, hand on her chest, eyebrows furrowed. She groaned and pinched her eyes shut, softly calling Gigi's name. Gigi rushed over and leaned over her.

"What's wrong?"

Crystal opened her eyes and quietly gasped, once, twice.

"I can't-" she whispered, "-feel sick-"

Gigi flitted around, pressing the "call nurse" button and grabbing the small trash can from the floor. She handed the bucket to a green looking Crystal and sat down beside her, staring at her wide-eyed, nervous.

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