the painting

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Heidi (Crystal's friend)
have you heard from Crystal recently?

Gigi (Crystal's girlfriend)
what do you mean?

Heidi (Crystal's friend)
have you heard from Crystal? we were supposed to hang out today but she didn't show, and now she won't answer my calls. have you talked to her today?

Gigi furrowed her brows at her phone. Sitting up in bed, pushing aside her pile of tissues, she re-read the texts from Crystal's friend. She knew that Crystal had ignored her texts, which she justified with their rocky end and all the dramatics. But now she was ignoring her best friend too?

Crystal wasn't one to refrain from texting back seconds after receiving a message, a trait that Gigi favored over someone waiting a while as to not seem desperate. It was endearing how excited she got when she got a text, her fingers tapping wildly at her screen before she had even finished reading what she was sent.

So now, knowing that Crystal was not only ignoring Gigi but also Heidi as well, Gigi grew kind of nervous.

Yes, Crystal had cheated on her. Yes, Gigi had yelled at her and ended their relationship over the phone. Yes, emotions were high, the air was tense, and Gigi wanted nothing more than to forget it had happened and move on with her life. It wasn't going to be easy, but she could do it.

But could Crystal?

Gigi hadn't thought about how all of this could have affected her (ex)girlfriend. Crystal was a shining ball of light and joy. This experience, Gigi realized, could have fully destroyed her.

Gigi sighed and pinched her nose, scolding herself for being so worried about the person that had cheated on her. Gigi despised cheaters, and believed they deserved nothing but the worst after ruining someone else's life.

But this was Crystal.

Her beloved Crystal.

She couldn't despise Crystal no matter how hard she tried. She wished she could, but she couldn't.

Gigi (Crystal's girlfriend)
i haven't spoken to her in a few days.

Heidi (Crystal's friend)
why? aren't yall dating?

Gigi (Crystal's girlfriend)
we broke up.
she cheated on me.

Gigi felt bad for springing that on Heidi, Crystal's best friend, but she'd rather not string her along while Gigi was trying to heal. Cutting ties with things that reminded her of her ex was the first step.

Heidi, on the other end of the line, furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

Heidi (Crystal's friend)
can we meet and talk? im at the café

Gigi felt unsettled. She agreed to meet with Heidi in twenty minutes, giving her enough time to freshen up and pull herself together while not keeping Heidi waiting for too long.

When she got to the café, she recognised Heidi in the booth that she and Crystal would always sit at when they came for little dates. A pang shot through her heart.

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