Chapter 9

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* at dinner *
Madis p.o.v.
"So Tarliah you like Riker don't you" I said "ew no I like Rocky it's just he's singing is awesome" "wait you like Rocky!" I yelled she nodded I got a text and looked at it it was Riker so I had to talk to him.
R = Riker M = Madi
R have you talked to Ell yet
M no not yet I am having dinner
R well hurry up you said you promise tonight
M I will seriously calm down its only 6 now bye
And I ended the conversation and finished eating my lasagne "who was that" Tarliah asked "oh it was Riker I have to go talk to Ratliff" "oh you don't want to since he broke up with you" "excuse me I broke up with him" I said very sassy "sorry I thought" "its alright" I interrupted "I have to go speak to him so you have a tv in your room you can watch it or play with the dogs I really do not care" I said while walking out the door. I'm outside Ells door i knocked and his brother Garette answered as soon as I saw him I hugged him "what are you doing here you live in Australia" "well I am just visiting more or less what are you doing here" "I have to speak to Ratface" Garette just laughed "hey sorry you guys went your different ways" I shrugged and questioned "so is he here" "oh yeah upstairs in his room" "thanks" I said and walked up to his room and knocked he answered the door and his eyes went big "what are you doing here Madi I thought you hated my guts" he said "well just because I elbowed you in the guts doesn't mean I hate them I just wanted to get to my van oh yeah and sorry about that" he just laughed "you want to come in" Ell asked I nodded we went in and sat on his bed "so Garettes staying awhile" he nodded "hey I am so sorry that your mad at me" Ratliff confessed "whatever dood" "so friends"Ratliff asked I nodded than we hugged "Kay I have a guest at my house so bye" "see ya" Ratliff answered I ran downstairs "bye Garette" "see ya" I ran out the door and to my house on the door there was a note that said.
To Madi
Ella came over and wanted to talk to you she asked if I wanted to go over so I said yes I took my stuff see you tomorrow oh yeah Ella left a note on your bed bye.
From Tarliah
I rolled my eyes at Tarliahs letter then went inside and the usual my dogs are asleep in their beds so I ran upstairs and grabbed the letter I opened it and read the message "oh my god!" I screamed "she's having a wedding" I yelled because Ella and Ross are getting married.
* 1 hour later *
"So bored" I said to myself "hey I'm going to see Garette" I grabbed my keys and locked the door than ran over to Ratliffs and knocked on the door out came Garette "what are you doing here you just left" "I came to see you of course" "fine cone in" he answered "hey where's Ratliff" "he is in bed he wore himself by screaming and yelling "yay she finally likes me" so yeah" I nodded "want to watch tv" Garette asked " yeah sure oh my god his house is always so cold" Garette laughed and answered "you can cuddle me" i rolled my eyes at him then jumped on the couch he sat next to me and I was freezing so I snuggled into him 7 minutes later Ratliff came out and yelled "what the heck you end our relationship then go with my brother" I looked at him disgustedly then screamed "excuse me but leave your brother and my friend out of this and this is what happened Tarliah left and I got bored so I decided to catch up with your brother so I came and your house is freezing so he let me cuddle into him like a friend does and anyway how do you have proof that we are together huh have you got a video of us kissing!!" I am furious he just went quiet then mumbled no "so there you go that's it I hate you and I don't know why I even wanted to be your friend I am leaving!" I screamed at the top of my lungs than stormed out.

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