Chapter 12: Broken Trust And Broken Hearts.

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It doesn't matter how much I try to move my hands: They're handcuffed to the arms of the chair. In front of me I can see my reflexion looking back at me, but I know there is someone else behind that glass who can see me. If all these seasons of Criminal Minds is paying off, someone is on the other side waiting for a sigh of weakeness on my side.
Elizabeth, what have you done?
I don't want to cry, but the tears start spilling off and my wrists are bleeding and I'm in so much pain!
The door opens, showing a little redhaired girl, but I have the impression she's not really that little. Behind her, there is a tall blonde guy who looks like he won't have any problem hurting me.
"You have put up such a show" The redhair says" I am detective Connor; This is my partner Detective Wilson. We have some questions for you about the stolen money from Eleazar Rossum".
"I don't even know who that is!"
"Really?" Detective Wilsons says "Because we have photos of you getting out of one of his night clubs several times and the same amount of money was found in your property"
I'm stunned. Not in the good way.
"What?" I'm breathless. They got into my house! "Wait. You went in before arresting me?"
"As the police, we can do that, Miss Sorenson. Is that your real name?"
"What? Of course it is!"
"We ran a background on you, Miss Sorenson, and it seema like you are... a ghost" She lifts her eyebrows at me, looking surprised. She is making me mad now.
"I... I don't know about that".
"It seems like you're lying to me" He says. He takes something of his folder and gives it to me sliding it across the table. Looking at it, I see it's my birth certificate.
"Yes. That's me"
"Funny thing is that that's all there is of you" Agent Wilson says "No medical or school records, nothing. And if you look closer, you'll see it's a forgery. It's fake".
"What do you mean it's fake? It's me. That's me"
"Then why is there no records of any type?" Agent Connor asks.
"I don't know!"
I knew Elizabeth was a thief, but I have no idea what is happening right now! How are they saying I'm not real?
"I'm real! I'm here!"
"I'm not saying you're not. I'm saying that's not your real name"
"But it is! I swear I have no idea what you're talking about!"
"What about Eleazar Rossum?" Agent Wilson asks after exchanching looks with his partner. He shows me the picture of a young man, a little bit older than me "Do you know him?"
I shake my head. "No".
In silence, they  show me another picture of the carpet and place it in front of me. Elizabeth and Eleazar laugh in it, taken by the arms and looking cozy.
Oh, god.
"I thought you said otherwise" Comments Agent Connor, smiling, because she knows shes's got me.
Is this what Elizabeth did when she took over? She left to flirt with some guy and then steal money from him? Is that the kind of horrible person she is?
I can't say anything to it. How can I explain? I cry, because I know it's over and I'm going to jail. 
Damn it, Elizabeth!
"Do you have anything to say about it?" He asks.
I stay quiet.
"Why did you do it?" She asks me "According to Mr. Rossum, you had stolen from him before. Now, there is a total of five million dollars you owe him. What did you do with the money, Miss Sorenson? Was it drugs? What can a sixteen years old girl do with it?"
 I'm completely breathless. Five million? Stolen from a boy she apparently was friends with? I want to vomit. I want to cry so hard because I don't know who I am anymore, because even when I knew she was into something ugly, I didn't know...
 I do start to cry.
"I didn't know!" I confess "I didn't know all of this!"
"Are you gonna tell us she is a twin?" Detective Wilson asks, incredibly cold and stiff.
"No. Not a twin, but..." Am I really confessing this? " It's me, but it's not!"
"What do you mean, Miss Sorenson?" She asks, somewhere between amused and curious.
"What is gonna happen to me?" I ask instead, because the thought has been eating me since I got here.
"Since you are a minor we will contact your parents and then we'll let you say goodbye before we send you to correctional, where you'll spend your next years until you turn eighteen"
"What? No! I did nothing!"
"You just said it was you" He says calmly, and I think it is because he is not the one who will get in jail for two years. I will not finish school, I will never go to college, I will never be able to get a job because of this. If my record was clean before, this will definetily fill it up.
"But it's not me!"

"We are confused, Miss Sorenson" She says, getting confortable to hear the whole story by crossing her legs, but there is something inside of me that tells me it's not gonna be that easy for them to believe me.
Oh, screw it! I'm going to prision!

"Her name is Elizabeth" I begin.

Owen's point of view.

No. Standing on the other side of the glass seeing Sang Sorenson crying and broken telling her side of the story, I feel my stomach in knots. Because it makes sense. Because I should have seen it before.
What have I done?
"I don't have any say on it" She says, moving her hands too much, making them bleed. I don't even think she notices "I don't even realize it until she's done. I don't know what she does!"
"You want us to believe that?" Christopher Wilson asks, his back to me. He's doing this as a favor to me, and it's perfect not only because he is Academy, but because he is a real police officer. They both are. Is just when I told them I wanted them to get the truth out of her, I didn't expect this.
 He doesn't believe it, but I do. Because after all the updates from the boys talking about her good heart, the lack of skills at lying, the shyness, the shaky hands... Maybe that was it. Maybe it was because there was a side of her they hadn't known.
 Seeing Miss Sorenson crying out, I swallow hard. I am supposed to protect and help people, but what have I done here? I psicologically tortured someone when she was sick and scared. 
"It's the truth!"
She needs help. And what I did was scare her out, maybe for all her life.
"Son of a bitch!" Mr. Taylor storm through the door behind me and in a blink of an eye, he's got me against the wall and hits my jaw "We were supposed to be a team! Instead, you do these things behind our backs!"
"North!" Silas and Luke try to get him out of me, behind him. When I look at the door, they all are there, looking angry and... disspointed. It's okay if they hate me; I hate me too.
"I'm sorry, Owen" Sean says "I had to tell them"
I nod.
He did good. I should have done it. I shouldn't have made him carry with it.
"North..." I try. Screw formalisms.
"Shut the fuck up! I didn't sign up for this when I joined the Academy!"
"We told you it wasn't her"
Victor and Kota stand in front of the glass, looking straight at Miss Sorenson wrecked face.
"But she was"
They all stare at me, allowing me to see the illusion falling off their faces. The disbelief, the broken hearts. Sean on the other way looks surprised.
"You are lying!" North lets me go, but point a finger at me.
"I am  not, but I fear this is a little bit more complicated than that".
Kota shakes his head before looking at me.

"What do you mean exactly?"
"She needs help" I say, looking around all of my team. I look at the glass, but all she does is cry. The story she was telling is over now "I have found out that Miss Sorenson doesn't even realized what she was doing".
Gabriel looks mad.
"What do you mean with that?"
"I'm not an expert, but I believe she might have a Dissociative Identity Disorder"
Kota is with his mouth wide open, but the rest are confussed and... scared. They have grown attached to it, and their broken heart are all my fault.
 I'm sorry.
"Is it bad? Can she be healed?" Nathan speaks.
"What does that mean? What disorder is that?"
This time, it's not me who speaks. It's Kota. "Multiple Personalities" He whispers.
The room is dead silent.

Happy 4th of July for those of you!

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