Chapter 32: The Right Thing.

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Eleazar Rossum's point of view.
Years before.

Mamma kneels in front of me so she can tie my tie. I still don't know how to do it, just like the shoe laces. Mamma says I will learn with time, but all the kids in my school already know and I'm staying behind.
"Where is dad?"
"He's bussy, honey. Do you want to eat before we go? I know you don't like fancy party food. Sandwich?"
"Extra cheese!"
Momma kisses my check before going to the kitchen and make me my favorite sandwich.
I hear dad's voice in the distance and I follow it while mamma makes my meal. But I can't find dad. Rob is watching TV on the leather couch. I go into dad's office, but he's not there either. Mamma will be mad if he makes her be late again.
I'm about to go when I see pictures above the desk. I'm nine years old so I can reach the table now, and I see green on paper. They 're... pictures. There's a girl, a little bit younger than me, like my friend Jason little sister, Lisa. But Lisa is overweighted and redhaired, and this girl is nothing like Lisa. This girl is skinny and blonde, her big eyes very very green. I like green. Is the color of grass and trees and my favorite shirt. Not this green, but I think I like it more.
The girl has beautiful eyes.
In the pictures she is in some kind of room, in other it seems like an hospital. And in each one she looks different... angry, crying, thoughtful, cold...
Is like there are differents her, almost. But it's the same green eyes. The Wilson twins at my school have the same color of eye, but the other twins, kids of my mom's friend, have different colored ones. Jenny's are blue and Kirsten's are brown.
I know it's the same girl. But what is dad doing with those pictures? Who is she?
Uh, oh. I drop the pictures again in the desk and look at the entrace at mom. She stands tall with her high heels and chin up in the air, her hands in her waist. She only calls me like that when I'm in trouble.
She steps towards me and takes my arm.
"What do you think you're doing here, Eleazar?"
"Uh... I just... I was looking for dad"
"I told you not to get into our offices! Didn't I?"
"Then why didn't you listen? Come on, let's go outside"
I shout my mouth abd let her drag me down the kitchen she barely uses. It's just that Kena left already.
Mamma makes me seat on the kitchen table and puts the sandwich in front of me while she turns her back at me, angry.
"Who's that girl, mamma?"
"You don't know her. Never will. Forget you ever saw it, okay? Now eat your sandwich. It's grilled cheese"
I take the sandwich and bite into it, still kooking at her.
"Why can't I?"
"She looks sad"
"She's already forgotten, okay? Eat now"
"Why are there pictures of her in dad's desk?"
"Eat, Eleazar"
"Does dad know?"
I start standing up when momma is suddenly in front of me, taking my arm and pulling me into her. She kneels again in front of me and takes my cheeks, looking serious.
"Listen, Eleazar. Those pictures are mine, not your father's. He wasn't home for his travel these couple of days so I took his desk for a moment. Your dad can't know about her, okay?"
"Why not?"
"She's a secret girl. Nobody can know she's here, can you keep that secret?"
"But why not?"
"Because I say so!"
"But where is she mom?"
She sighs.
"Listen, and listen very well because it's the last time we talk about her. This girl is sick, horribly sick, and her mother trust us to help her. And your dad can't know about her, okay? Is it clear?"
"Yeah. Are you going to heal her?"
"Yes, we hope. And now, it's time to do the right thing, honey. Keep her a secret, help us help her. Support your mamma. That's the right thing to do"
"I want to do the right thing"
"Good. Now, eat"


I drive Mina to the hospital. Sang Sorenson. Whatever.
The adrenaline is in her system and I know she can't feel the pain right now, but she surely will.
She cries her heart out. She bends at the passenger side, she sobs, she is left dried out until we reach the hospital and she passes out, deep asleep.
The nurses come running when I park at emergency entrance and they see the blood. There is surgery to close the wound but nothing big that can't be fixed happened. She will be okay.
While I wait on the chairs, my phone rings. Rob.
"I heard you have a little girl. Blonde, thief, psycho. Sounds familiar?"
"What do you want, Rob?"
"What do you think is fair?"
"I'm not giving her to you. I can pay you the money back, if you want"
"I can make the money in a couple months. I want the girl"
"What do you think you are gonna do with her?"
"None of your bussiness, I fear"
"Same to you. Don't bother me again"
I'm about to hang up the phone when he talks again.
"You are someone else now, El. What will mother dear say? I thought you wanted to do the right thing"
And when I look into the window where she rests, I know once more.
"I am doing the right thing"
I hang up and keep on looking at the girl I once saw in pictures.
I had to become a really good liar. It's just that ignorance sometimes gives you advantage. Pretebding worked for me. But I am: I'm gonna do the right thing.
Kim appraches me and I groan. Damn it. Sha has managed to show her cleaveage even with her nurse blouse and I can't help but wonder one more time how she went through all nursery school. That is serious shit. And she's exactly the opposite.
"Z! Hi!"
She is the only person who calls me like that and I don't know why.
"Hey! I missed you!"
I try to smile.
"Do you have plans for tonight?"
"I'm busy, actually"
"Really, doing what?"
I look back at Sang and she narrows her eyes.
"They said she was stabbed. Did you have anything to do with it?"
Fury creeps over.
"I don't know who the hell you think I am"
"Well, when the son of the owner of the hospital you work in is involved in something like this, is a big deal. People are talking"
"Good thing is not their bussiness"
She frowns.
"Uh. When you're in a good mood, call me"
Why does she think I have the slightless interest in her?
Kim walks away and I sigh, looking back at sang through the window of her privet room. I guess being of the family's bussiness is good.
"Was she bothering you?"
I turn to find mom, dressed in her high heels and fancy suit, as always. The sun has never seen it any differently.
"I'll have to tell her to back off. How many hearts are you gonna break, Eleazar?"
I hear the intebtion in her voice.
"So I've been phoning your brother" I sight, looking at the ceiling "He told me interesting things. Is there something you want to tell me or do I have to continue?"
"He said you fell in love"
"I did"
"...with this girl"
"Are you gonna blame me for that?"
"I can't judge you for what you feel but what you do"
"It just happened"
"You knew her for years"
"She will never be able to be yours, Eleazar. None of them"
I close my eyes.
"Elizabeth did"
"Oh, Elizabeth, I remember her. Not real. The first one to appear I think. Or was it Mina? I never could know since her parents backed down and you kept her a secret. You promised to do the right thing"
"I am"
"Are you? How so? Your brother has been trying to get her since you knew who she was"
I'm... speechless.
"Were you behind that?"
"Of course. But Rob did wanted to make her pay. You know how he is. Ambitious"
"Is it an indirect, mother?"
"Oh, darling, I love you. But it is. You lost your way"
"But I came back"
"Did you?"
I look at her over my shoulder then nod to Sang.
"I told you I was gonna do the right thing. I brought her for you. Is my gift for you"
She smiles.
"My little El. You've always been a good kid"
Then her attention goes back to Sang.
I did the right thing.

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