Chapter 23: Every Piece Of Me.

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Author Note:

Dear reader.

Wattpad has been unkind to me the couple of last... forever. You'll find that there is one chapter incomplete (Chapter 23. This one) and Chapter 24  may or not be incomplete as well. Wattpad hasn't worried in taking my chapters back in forever, again, and I can't find the missing texts in my documents. So, I'm sorry. I can't rewrite (and I have before) because it's been a while since I wrote this, and If I'm being completely honest, I have absolutely no idea why I wrote the things that I wrote or what my reasons were to do so. I do not remember what happened enough to rewrite or... anything at all. If you have any question for a loophole, then you can ask and I will answer the best that I possibly can.

Thanks :D

Luke's point of view.

Suddenly, she closes her eyes and sighs as if something really heavy has been lifted from her shoulders.
"Elizabeth" Mr. Blackbourne calls her name.
She opens her eyes, but I don't see nor Mina's rage, nor Elizabeth's annoyance or any kind of knwoledge towards us. Her eyes, as once before, stays on us but she sees nothing. Almost like we were forniture in the room, like we were strangers she just found. Then sighs, and that's how I know she does knows us. But somehow, that makes it worst.
"Well. Hello" She walks away from North and Silas, with a disgusted face. She sits on the couch and crosses her legs, looking around.
I can't stand the silence anymore.
"Who the hell are you?!"
Mr. B looks at me with a dark look, but I ignore it. Respect has been lost since the moment he decided to make a decision that affected all of us witouth letting us know.
"My name is Jojo. And I understand that you have been bothering my... "sisters' "She shrugs it off like it was a term it was decided without her and she had to accept it "So I'm gonna ask you to stop. Now, if you excuse me, I'm leaving now"
My mouth is wide open.
Looking around at my brothers, I see the rest of them looking as surprised as I am. Except for Mr. B. I don't think there is nothing in this world that might actually surprise him as us.
She begins to stand up but Nathan takes her arm. She tores it off.
"I know my rights as a citizen and if you don't stop me now I'm more than willing of acussing you of harassment. Understood?"
Nathan lets go of her and keeps his hands up for her to see.
"Listen, Jojo" Dr. Green begins "We only want to help"
"We don't actually need help"
But something cracks on her face and voice  when she says that.
"Now you're lying" Mr. B says.
"You can't possibly know that for sure"
"But I do. And I know"
She crosses her arms over her  chest.
"Why are you here?" Asks Victor.
"Elizabeth called me. She had enough of you"
"I thought the only one who could call you is Miss Sorenson. Sang"
"She only calls me on school, sometimes. She only calls us when she needs us" She shrugs "The one that brings me out here is Elizabeth. As she did today. As you heard, she and Mina can do that"

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