Chapter 51. The end: See You Again.

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The plan is, there's not a plan. I would have loved to be movie-creative, but this is just real life. I am just a girl who wishes to come back, who wishes to make it right. So te plan is to jump then fall.
I come back to the person we broke things with.
When he opens the door to the loft, his lips part slightly. His eyes search my face, and I wonder if I have really changed that much. I wonder if I'm still  the same in the inside too.
We don't say a thing. What is left to say in situations like these? Hey, how you've been? You look good? Distance made us better?
We only broke our hearts?
We shattered it all?
Maybe that's why we don't do a thing, not really.  The unspoken words float above us in the air as particles of dust. We stand underneath and ignore it all.
His hand reaches out and the tips of his fingers move a strand of my hair, shorter than what he remembered it to be.
"My name is Sang" I manage to say "I'm a Chemistry major at Columbia University in New York. I worked at an organic honey bee maker before that for a little family down south"
His eyes widen a little, and I can't help but think that definetely we have changed. And even when it may sound so bad, some loves are better off at distance. At least, for a while.
"Owen Blackbourne" he offers his hand and I take it, his warm fingers around mine.
And like this, we go back to the beginning.
"Nice to meet you"
"How do you feel about poliandry?"
I smile.
"Owen?" I hear a voice behind him, and when I step aside, Sean's eyes find mine. For a moment, he stands then stares. His face morphes from confusion to pain  to accepance.
"Dr. Green, let me introduce you to Sang Sorenson. She's a university student and a former organic bee honey maker"
"Bee honey has benefits for the throat" he says dryly, the doubt forming back in his face.
"I've heard" I say.
"Sang agrees with poliandry" Owen says, adjusting his tuxido sleeves "How rude of us. Would you like to come inside?"
"I would love to"
And still with the wariness in his face, Sean closes the door behind me.

An hour later, the rest arrive. Kota and Luke smiles, watching it all develop in front of them; Silas gets down on his knees and rests his forehead on my stomach as I stroke the hairs at the back of his head. He whispers in Greek and I don't understand, but it sounds like a prayer.  Or like a thanks. But whatever that that was, it was for something bigger than me, than us.
Nathan reacts differently: his fists clench and unclench at his sides, and looks at the floor. But when he looks at me, there is longing.
North paces back and forth before holding me in his arms, separating me from Sila's touch for a moment. My feet don't touch the ground and when I come back down, he looks into my eyes and touches my cheeks. It is like he had some broken link that was connected again, as if we were bound to be connected and this is our comeback after all these years.
  And then, Gabriel. Maybe I wasn't expecting it at all from him, but looking into it, it makes sense. And it is because tears fills his eyes and he starts to cuss as if there was no tomorrow.
"Shit, shit! Fucking motherfucking shit! What the fuck, what the fuck, wathefuuuuck!"
He gets down and leans over his knees, trying to catch his breath.
And then, it's over. Next thing I know is that Victor holds me from behind, his forehead in my neck.
"I've missed you so much!" He mutters, the emotion present in his voice. He smells wonderful.
And so, we talk. We don't stop talking for a whole lotta time. We won't anytime soon, even if we're not always together or not the way that we wanted to. Even if there's distance. But the so loved space? That time is over. It's just not needed anymore.
This is the new beginning.

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