t w e n t y s e v e n

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I'd seen Alexander many times before at school. It wasn't that hard to miss his presence. He was two grades above me, had a weird sense of style, tattoos that 'added to his vibe' and a ton of piercings in places that shouldn't be mentioned. He was from a fucking rich background, but refused to let that control him. 

The first thing I noticed about him was his clothes. 

He refused to wear anything that covered his chest. Said it was mortifying and that his chest cells needed oxygen through diffusion, or else they'd suffocate and give him wrinkles. Fucking Alexander logic, according to him. He'd gotten suspended for it once, and when his suspension got over, he came to school wearing these tight ass jeans that made every single human being want to give him a fucking blow job.

It didn't help to the fact that he was hotter than a fucking diamond on fire.

It also didn't help to the fact that everyone could see his chest and his nipple piercings. 

Everyone went home horny that day.

The teachers stopped telling him to change his clothes. (I secretly think that they all thirst for him, fucking pedos. But then again, who wouldn't?)

You wouldn't believe that this man was straight. 

The first time I properly met Alexander was when I was fourteen. My mom and I were short on money, so I decided to take up a job. I ended up babysitting his step brother Jimothy who was only three and a half at that time. He lived in a huge ass mansion that had 6 stories and 3 fucking elevators, so you can naturally assume I got a high paying job.

Jimothy was an absolute joy to be around. His brother on the other hand, refused to come out of his room. 

I didn't know that Alexander was Jimothy's brother at that time. I just thought Jimothy had a brooding goth emo punk brother named Gremory who refused to come out of his room. 

Babysitting Jimothy became a regular thing for me. For about 2 months, everything was going smooth. One night, while babysitting, Jimothy's parents told me that they'd be coming home late, so I had to leave Jimothy with his brother (who lived on the fucking 5th floor in that huge ass mansion) and then I could leave.

Should I mention it was 11:30 in the fucking night?

Jimothy slept off, so my insomniac ass had to carrying him up five flights (I was too fucking scared to use the elevator - I thought I'd get mugged) and knock on this bitches door. 

And there, in all his glory stood Alexander motherfucking Templeton, only wearing his boxers. 

That was the day I realized, oh fuck, I am so fucking gay. 

The next morning, I called my best friends, Natalia and Chloe, and told them my revelation. 

They said they already knew I was gay. I have amazing people as friends. I also told them that I saw the Alexander Templeton in his boxers. Natalia asked me whether his dick was big, while Chloe just zoned out of the conversation. 

The first time Alexander talked to me was when he bumped into me in the hallway by accident. I was carrying a huge stack of books that Chloe forced me to carry because I lost a bet to her. I can still clearly remember his reaction. 

His green eyes widened and he frantically apologized, helping me stack the books again. He sheepishly smiled at me, patted my back, apologized a few more times and walked off. And then he turned around again and ran back up to me. 

"By the way, I wanted to tell you this, you look beautiful." He said with this enormous smile on his face. I stood wide eyed. My mother, Natalia and Chloe had told me this before, but I had never believed it. I think it was because of the millions of freckles all over him. It was the second time I saw him up close. I'd never noticed the freckles before. But I liked the fact that he was able to flaunt it. It might not be a big deal for him, but it felt like one for me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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