Chapter 5: Independent Study

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Chapter 5: Independent Study

The main group can be seen at Eda's 'Human Collectibles' shop. King sat on the table as Luz read from the first Azura book to King. Eda stood to the side as she dusted the table with a bored expression, and Flint sat to Luz's left as he drew in his sketchbook.

"Emboldened by the dishonor Hecate had shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton-candy skies and shouted, 'I challenge you to a Witch's Duel!' And look! I drew a flip book. Pew, pew, pew!" Luz read, flipping between two pages at the corner with small drawings.

"Show me the picture." King requested, peeking over the top of the book.

Luz blinked. "What?"

"Show me the picture!" King requested more loudly as Luz indulges him. "Hah! I can draw better than that. You know, they once called me the King of Artists." King gestured dramatically.

Flint snorted, showing off his drawings of the Isles. "What is a king to a god?" Flint said smugly.

"Wait. I thought you were the King of Demons. Are you just making this up now?" Luz gave him a suspicious look.

King waved her suspicion off. "Doesn't matter. What's important is that my followers would leave me offerings in fear of me!"

"Well, I can offer you more of this tantalizing book." Luz offered.

Eda groaned. "Ugh! Please stop reading that. Its flowery language is an insult to witches and driving away all of our serious customers!"

Flint looked Eda dead in the eye. "Eda. There is literally no one else here." Flint stated, gesturing to the empty street. "There isn't even another stand set up. And we've been here for an entire hour." Flint wasn't pleased being dragged out there and their time wasted like this. "Now that I think about it, why have we been here for an hour in an empty street? Did that curse scramble your sense of logic, or were you just born that way?"

"This is a bad omen. There must be something horrible happening today." Eda said dramatically, choosing to ignore the latter end of Flint's words.

"Luz, Flint!"

The group turns in the direction of the voice to see Gus and Willow run up to the stand. "Something amazing is happening today!"

"Gus, Willow!" Luz greeted excitedly.

Flint gave a two-finger wave. "Sup guys?"

Willow holds up a flier. "It's the annual Covention! Student witches get to see all the types of covens before they're placed in one. There's even a mystery guest this year!" Willow said excitedly.

Luz lit up at that info, leaning up against Eda pleadingly. "A job fair for witches! Eda, can we go?"

"Absolutely not." Eda denied without hesitation, causing Luz to groan and drop to the ground.

"I never joined a coven for a reason. Sure it's like a fun club for witches, but you're also giving up your magical independence to be part of a crooked system." Eda explained.

Willow frowned at the woman's words, lowering the flier a bit with a hum.

Eda noticed this and tried to salvage it. "Eh, but, you know, no judgment. In any case, I haven't been to one since we were girls." Eda said wistfully.

"'We'?" Two voices rang out.

Eda's eyes widened as she internally swore like that human she met in the human city called 'Vegas.'

"I-the-I mean-" Eda sputtered out as Luz popped back up from the ground and Flint slammed himself onto the table and looked at her with expectant curiosity.

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