Chapter 8: No Bathroom Breaks

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Chapter 8: No Bathroom Breaks

Flint could be seen recording with his phone behind Eda's 'Human Collectibles' stand in the market, recording as King jumped on the table in front of him, attempting (read: failing) to grab the flag hanging above him. Flint simply smiled as he recorded. Why did King have to be so damn cute when doing things like this?

"Weh!" King cried out, as he fell off the table and to the ground. "Stupid flag!"

Luz then walked over, carrying a ladder and a wooden sign under her arm as she approached.

"It's been a little slow around here, but I've got just the thing to attract customers," Luz said, setting up the ladder behind Flint and climbing it, putting a new sign above the current one that was adorned with light glyphs.

"And who doesn't like their name in lights?" Luz asked. Flint watched as she taps one of the glyphs, which seemed to connect to the others, which began to activate the others in tandem to illuminate it. Now the stand had a sign saying 'EDA the OWL LADY'S HUMAN COLLECTIBLES' overall, with a winking face of Eda by her name, made purely of light.

Flint scratched his chin as he looked at the sign. "Interesting. I wonder if we could connect different glyphs together too." Flint pondered.

Luz turned back to King and Flint as she climbed down. "Is it too subtle?"

"Does subtle mean ugly?"

The three turn to see Boscha and two other students standing at the stand. It had been the triclops, Boscha, who had mocked them.

Flint raised a brow at her. "Does that third eye cut into your intelligence to use?"

Luz chuckled nervously as she stepped between the two. "Hi, Boscha! Hexsidians! See anything you like?" Luz tried to change the subject.

Boscha looked disgusted. "Ew! No. I'm just here to take an ironic Penstagram next to your weird flashing trash sign." Boscha proceeded to summon her scroll and take several pictures.

"As an expert, I guess you would know what trash looks like, wouldn't you?" Flint remarked.

Boscha took a few seconds to register the insult before looking at him furiously. "Wanna repeat that you round-eared freak?"

Luz still stood nervous as she attempted to de-escalate the situation. "Hey now, let's not start a fight or anything."

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" King chanted, pumping his arms in the air.

"Not helping, King!" Luz said with panic, leaning down to him. "You don't understand how to handle teens like her."

"No, I'll show you what to do," King said, pulling Luz down by her hood as he jumped onto the table. "You will tremble before me!" King demanded dramatically.

The three stared at him before Boscha suddenly gave a small coo.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Boscha gushed, swiping him from the table and hugging him. She summoned her scroll again, taking a pic with a filter.

"You know what, that much we can agree on," Flint admitted through his shock at the bully's unexpected change of attitude.

King struggled in her grip, pushing against her face to try and escape.

"How much? I have to own him." Boscha asked.

King finally manages to free himself, landing back on the table and giving a sassy finger wave to her. "You couldn't afford me, sister!"

That only caused the three teens to all coo again, much to the small demon's chagrin.

"That's the incorrect reaction!" King cried out. How dare they disrespect him!

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