Chapter 2: Heroes Come In Many Forms

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Chapter 2: Heroes Come In Many Forms

Four symbols flickered slowly in an inky darkness, each with its own distinct features and colors. One glowed yellow before fading into red, then blue, then green, and finally looping back to the first symbol.

Flint's eyes opened as he gauged the world around him. The first thing he heard was a soft snoring as he saw King lying at Luz's feet on his sleeping bag. He looked around and saw he was still in the storage room Eda had told him they could sleep in. The events of yesterday began to flow through his newly unclouded mind. He just felt so energized. It was like he was operating through a fog until now, and with his mind cleared, he couldn't help but think.

A lot.

Like, way more and faster than ever before.

'Holy crap that was all real! This is insane! That battle was awesome! Luz looks so cute when she sleeps! What time is-'

Flint's mind ground to a halt when he registered one of those various thoughts as his face went nuclear with a blush.

'WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!?' Flint screamed internally. His gaze turned to Luz's sleeping form. She looked so at peace and relaxed and cu-

Flint shook his head, electing just to grab his sketching supplies and leave the room. He went over to the bathroom, the door had a women's restroom sign on it with another at the corner to say 'Ladies and King' on it. Flint rolled his eyes, knowing that Eda most likely stole the sign and opened the door after making sure no one was in it, causing two owls to fly out.

He went in and did his morning routine before heading to sit in the living room. He went and lay on the couch, crossing one leg over the other as he used it to support the sketchbook. He stared at the drawing of the environment he dreamed of prior before flipping the page back to the King outline from last night.

"Hi Flint! Looks like someone's up early." An annoying voice stated, eliciting a groan from the boy.

Next to him was...Hooty. Hooty has a wooden light beige owl face with a darker orange upper side, brown eyes, and an orange beak. He has a long brown 'neck' that he can stretch and move around like a worm, all connected to the front door of the house.

And in the extremely short time Flint had known him, he already didn't like the creature that actively disproved the notion that the ability to speak meant a being was smart.

'Liam Neeson was right.' Flint rationalized. "Good morning...Hooty." Flint forced himself to address the demon.

Hooty rambled on about...something. Honestly, Flint just started tuning the guy out.

"Whatcha doin' buddy?" Hooty asked, his voice alone torturous to any with the displease of hearing it.

Okay, tuning out the house demon was officially out of the question.

"Finishing a sketch I started last night of King. I only got a basic outline of him, so I thought I'd put some detail into it." Flint answered as he continued to draw.

Hooty, thankfully, seemed to get distracted by something and let the boy be as he zoned out into his drawing. He never thought of himself as a good artist, at least not at first, but practice makes perfect after all. After all the dreams over the years, the ones that would leave him looking healthy that is, it forced his hand to learn how to draw in order to depict the bizarre sights accurately. Then there was the other weird part about it all, like how they all started after-


Flint jolted as he heard the sudden scream looking around frantically as he tried to figure out what had happened.

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