Chapter 12: Snake's In a School

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I wanted to start off the chapter with a little bit of info regarding the Glyph Glove, or in my story's case, the "Glyph Grafter."

Yes, it was inspired by the well-known Glyph Glove concept. But as I showed in the last chapter, I wanted to put a bit of my own spin on the concept. I knew I wanted to implement it at some point, but I needed to find a way to make it organically woven in. Then I realized that there was already a perfect example in the canon of the show of something similar that could be utilized: the sigil branding gloves.

After seeing them in use back during the Covention, Flint took note of the idea. When he got re-body-swapped with the Golden Guard/Hunter, the mass confusion gave him the perfect opportunity to get his hands (you have no idea how many of these puns I unintentionally make on the regular whenever the Glyph Grafters are brought up in my notes. It is legit driving me crazy!) on one, with the bonus of swiping Hunter's staff as well. I chose this because as we see whenever Luz uses a Fire or Light glyph, the material used to make the spell is typically used as fuel for the spell, so only certain items would be able to work. Given the brands make an inscription on the surface they contact, plus could be changed at will, the branding glove was simply perfect for a bit of reverse-engineering, since the base of my plan was for the Glyph Grafter to be able to instantly inscribe whatever glyph is on it onto a surface.

In contrast, the Glyph Glove we often see involves always having the symbols permanently on the glove, and at a smaller size. So, because of how the branding gloves can instantly switch what sigil is set to be put on someone, my Glyph Grafter is a blank canvas until the user needs it, providing a larger area to have the glyph. After all, the larger the glyph, the more powerful the spell, not to mention it provides the opportunity to also use combo-glyphs. All Luz would need to do is just think of the invisibility glyph, and then will it to activate, then BAM! She's gone! Luz's are bound to her to ensure that a being without magic can change the glyphs at will.

I just wanted to share a little bit of insight on the Glyph Grafter and show how different it is, and give some answers to questions some of you might have.


Chapter 12: Snake's In a School

A pulse of light can be seen flickering in a dark environment, the light glowing yellow and in the shape of the light glyph.

The light glyph becomes solid as Luz is revealed to be the one using it, the glyph on the Glyph Grafter in her right hand being the source of the light.

"I'm...not sure if I'm ready for this you guys. Maybe we should go back." Luz said nervously, revealing she was standing before both Eda and Flint.

"Nah, kid, you got this. Just do what we practiced!" Eda reassured.

"But what if...what if I mess something up? Or what if I do something wrong?" Luz let out a gasp. "What if I die?"

Flint gave her an unamused look with half-lidded eyes, flicking her in the forehead and eliciting a yelp from his friend. "You're overthinking this. Just stay calm, and everything will be alright."

"Easy for you to say! You practically don't even need to be here! Bump said it was a formality for you!" Luz countered, rubbing her forehead with her left hand, not sporting a matching glove.

"Hey. Calm down, calm down. I had to do the same thing when I was a witchling. It's like a rite of passage. Granted, I was a little more skilled." Eda placated before donning a smug look.

"Eda!" Both humans chastised the woman.

"Right, right. Sorry, sorry. Remember, you don't have to do anything grand, even if someone says otherwise." Eda said, throwing a look at Flint.

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