Chapter 7: Abnormal Night at the Library

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Chapter 7: Abnormal Night at the Library

Darkness was all that could be seen surrounding them. They looked around frantically as if searching for something. Suddenly two scarlet flames erupted in the distance, revealing a figure shrouded in the darkness, their features only illuminated by the flames that resembled eyes. Even though they were flames, the figure's gaze pierced the first person's soul.

The first person suddenly let out a yelp, as fiery chains latched to them, restraining them to the ground and forcing them to look at their assailant.

The fiery figure walked forward coldly and menacingly as the victim struggled, doing everything they could to try and escape. They even tried to cry out for help, but the heat was smothering and they couldn't find their voice. They were alone, trapped, and at the figure's mercy, assuming it even had mercy in the first place.

The fiery figure stopped just before their prey, looming over them as it finally spoke.

D̷̡̟̥̤͓̒o̷͔̲͚̰͋̓̅ ̸͓̦̿̿̾͊̎y̴̝̼̅o̸̜̣͉̍͌͐̄̓u̵̗̠̅̌͆ ̵̤̼̂̈̓͝ÿ̶̨̥̗́͆̈́͛̑i̸͈̅̉̌̚e̷̤͗͂̂̚̚l̷͈͉̦̦̳̑d̷̤̭͖̟̈́̓̃?̷̹̻̙͖̎͌̃

The victim tried to respond, but they still could not find their voice, no matter how hard they tried.

The fiery figure came closer to their victim's restrained body, the victim finally making out who their assailant was.

It was-



Flint could be seen strewn across the floor of his and Luz's room, his body positioned in weird angles as he slept atop his disheveled sleeping bag. The only part of him that wasn't in a weird position was his head, which was facing upward atop his pillows as his mouth hung open.

While he slept comfortably (somehow), Luz watched him for a few moments, already having gotten dressed in the bathroom. She stepped closer to him and leaned over him.

'Aw, he looks so peaceful.' Luz thought. She leaned in closer to him, her face close to his...

And promptly slapped him in the face, his head recoiling from the blow and his eyes bugging out in surprise.

"WAKE UP!" Luz demanded.

"GAH!! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO STOP DOING THAT?!" Flint screamed, rubbing his stinging face to alleviate the pain.

Luz was shaking off the stinging sensation from her own hand as she responded. "I have completely lost track!" Luz said with dramatic confidence, raising her left and non-stinging hand up to point to the sky.

Flint glared at her. "Don't test me. I know where you sleep."

"So do I, your point?" Luz countered with a grin.

"...I will get you back eventually. Mark my words, when I come for those cheeks, you will not escape my vengeance." Flint threatened.

Luz just smirked, putting her hands on her hips. "Keep telling yourself that bud."


Downstairs, Eda is drinking a glass of apple blood when she suddenly stops mid-drink, lowering her glass as she looks around the room squinting her eyes.

"I sense a disturbance. I feel as though someone has made an innuendo without knowing it." Eda stated to herself.

After a few seconds, she returns to her usual carefree expression. "Eh. It's probably nothing." Eda shrugged.

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