Chapter 9: Liar, Liar, and That Guy Breathes Fire

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Chapter 9: Liar, Liar, and That Guy Breathes Fire

In the Owl House, all of the inhabitants could be seen in the living room, a plethora of boxes scattered about with various items from the human realm either in or outside of a box. King was propped up on the couch's armrest as everyone else was rummaging through the boxes, and a few were labeled 'Junk to sell.'

Even Trixx had decided to help out, transforming into a lookalike of Luz, with a few minor differences. Trixx's disguise had on a short-sleeved shirt with horizontal white and purple stripes, underneath a navy-green jacket. She had on a pair of leggings matching Luz's, minus the jean shorts. Finally, the strands of hair in front of her ears extended further than the rest, reaching past her chin as she wore a beanie. The changes were mostly just so they wouldn't get mixed up, but Trixx rather liked the look.

The group was currently organizing the items to figure out what to take next weekend for Eda's stand, as well as seeing if there was anything worthwhile to keep. Flint had already amassed a pile of different mechanical parts, including a full car engine (Eda reassured them she'd grabbed it from a scrapyard). Surprisingly, Flint was nearly capable of carrying the whole thing on his own.

There was suddenly a knock on the door as it opened, revealing Gus.

"Hey Luz, Flint, I wanted to ask a...favor..." Gus trailed off, locking eyes with Trixx. He looked between Luz and Trixx in confusion for a bit. "Since when do you have a sister?" Gus asked.

"Huh?" Luz questioned briefly before turning to Trixx, as it registered. "Oh right! You haven't met her yet. This isn't my sister." Luz said, gesturing to Trixx.

Trixx tilted her head. "Is this that 'Gus' guy you told me about?" Trixx asked.

"Yep," Flint said, not looking away from the components he was looking through, inspecting a piece before tossing it over his shoulder into a pile behind him.

"Cool," Trixx said with a smile, lighting up as she backflipped, landing as a replica of Gus, much to his surprise.

"Say what?" Gus cried in surprise, as his copy snickered, reverting to her Zorua form.

"I'm Trixx, I'm a Zorua. I can use illusions to disguise myself." Trixx introduced herself.

Gus' eyes practically lit up. "Cool! I use illusions too!" Gus said, making a spell circle that caused a magical double of himself to appear beside him, waving before dispersing with a POOF.

"Cool! But mine can even be tangible." Trixx boasted.

"So Gus, what did you wanna ask?" Flint questioned, getting the conversation back on topic.

"Oh right! I was wondering if you two could come to Hexside tomorrow. A new member had a bunch of fake human items, and I need you guys to prove him wrong." Gus stated.

"I'm sure we could stop by real quick," Luz said.

"Is he arrogant, acting like a know-it-all, and a complete liar?" Flint asked.

"Yep," Gus responded.

"Count me in," Flint said with a grin. He always loved knocking people off their egocentric pedestals.

Eda scoffed. "Absolutely not. There ain't nothing for you at that dweebus factory." Eda then turned to Gus. "No offense, dweebus."

Gus, for his part, seemed to take it in stride. "It's okay. I come from a long line of dweebuses."

Flint just stared at him for a moment. "I have no idea if you're being serious or not."

Luz slams the box she's holding down, making it clatter. Getting up she looks at Eda with an annoyed look, crossing her arms. "Well, I would love to go someday. Better than unpacking boxes in the Eda Coven." Luz remarked with a hint of venom in her tone.

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