Chapter 14: Walking down Memory Lane

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Chapter 14: Walking down Memory Lane

Luz and Willow could be seen at Luz and Flint's lockers. Flint was sporting a new Glyph Grafter on his right hand after losing his previous one back at the carnival. Luckily his hand was as good as new after that healing session.

"Oh my gosh, Willow, I'm so excited for photo class! I can't believe you can make pictures of your actual memories!" Luz said excitedly as she opened her locker. "I'mma see me some baby Willow!"

"I'll admit, I was adorable," Willow responded.

Luz tries to take a book out of her locker, but it bites down on it. "Hey! Don't eat that. Whoa!" Luz chastised the locker and tried to pull the book out, only to fall instead.

The locker ate the book and hissed until Flint shot a glare at it. It trembled under his gaze before spitting the book back out quickly.

Luz picked up the book and dusted herself off. "Thanks, Flint."

"Personally, I'm kinda wondering if it might help me see whoever my bio parents are," Flint said.

Willow tilted her head. "'Bio parents'?" Willow questioned.

"I'm actually adopted. I was left on my mom's doorstep when I was a baby. DNA tests didn't say anything useful though," Flint answered.

"Because they aren't from Earth?" Willow asked.

Flint shook his head. "Actually, it's because I somehow registered as my mom's bio son, which makes no sense. Especially since she can't even have children in the first place, it's kinda hard to have a child when your genes literally say you can't."

Willow was about to ask how that was possible until the popular girls, including Boscha, Amity, and Skara, walked by.

Boscha was laughing loudly, clearly knowing they could hear her. "I can't believe she'd even hang out with her! It's just embarrassing." Boscha brought her hands up and made glasses around her lower two eyes with her fingers. "'Oh, look at me! I'm going on a date with my ferns!'" Boscha mocked, making a bad impression of Willow.

Flint looked at Boscha with a raised brow. "The only embarrassing thing I see around here is how calling you 'garbage' is an insult to garbage."

Boscha froze in place as everyone around looked at him in shock...except for Luz, who proceeded to facepalm.

One of the trash cans nearby blinked awake. "He's right you know." The trash can agreed.

"Not again," Luz muttered with a resigned sigh.

Boscha turned around and stomped back towards them, getting up in Flint's face. "You wanna repeat that you low-life human scum?!"

Flint met her challenge with a wicked grin. "What, does having that third eye make your hearing worse?"

Both of them growled, sparks of hate nearly visible between them as they growled at each other. They reached to claw at each other, but suddenly their heads were grabbed by an abomination that suspended them both a foot in the air and moved the two away from each other before either could gouge the other's eyes out. To their credit, they did still try, even as they were ripped out of each other's range.

Amity sighed as she held a completed spell circle up, indicating it was her abomination at work. "Luz, can you handle him please?" Amity asked.

Luz sighed as she pulled her arms up under his armpits and held him back. "Yeah, I've got this. Wouldn't be the first time, and I highly doubt it'll be the last," Luz remarked as she took Flint from the abomination, the boy foaming at the mouth to tear apart the triclops bitch that dared insult his friends.

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