Chapter 13

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Logan's P.O.V

"Today's the big day. Are you nervous?" My sister asked as I got my hair done. I sighed and looked at her.
"I am now." I laughed lightly. She smiled and fixed her hair in the mirror.
"How the hell did you manage to get married before me. I'm the older one." she asked. I laughed and tilted my head as my hair dresser worked quietly with my hair.
"Because you cant seem to keep a man and you have commitment issues." I commented and everyone laughed.

"Awe look at my baby girl, all grown up." My dad gushed, hugging me.
"Hi dad." I smiled as he pulled away. "Are the twins dressed?" I asked as my mom held their hand while they waddled beside her. I knelt down and they waddled into my arms.
"They're so cute."
"Ready?"My dad asked, helping me up and taking my arm as we stood in place.
 "Let's do this." I muttered as the music began playing.

Michael's P.O.V

I felt like all the air had fled from my body as Logan walked down the isle with her dad at her side. She was absolutely breathtaking. As they approached the alter, I took Logan from him and we turned to each other, her almost in tears as well as myself.

"I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love. I vow to help you love life; to always hold you with tenderness and have the patience that love demands. To speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not. To love within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.
I take you to be my best friend, my faithful partner, and my one true love. I promise to encourage you and inspire you and to love you truly through good times and bad. I will forever be there to laugh with you, to life you up when you are down, and to love you unconditionally through all of our adventures in life together."

I finished reading off my vows and when I looked up at Logan she was in tears and she smiled, wiping her face before turning to her sister and grabbing a paper from her.

She took a deep breath and smiled at me before opening the piece of paper.

"I promise to be spontaneous, cherish each moment, be fair, be willing to try new things. Witness your beautiful life and always take time for us. Dream with you, be your biggest fan, laugh together, love you. Encourage you to chase your dreams.
May you never steal, lie, nor cheat, but if you must steal; then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, then lie with me all the nights of my life. And if you must cheat, then please cheat death because I couldn't live a day without you. I will always love you Michael Gordon Clifford. To the moon."

"And back." I mumbled to her causing her to smile.

"Do you, Michael Clifford take Logan Parker to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.
"I do."
"Logan Parker, do you take Michael Clifford to be your lawfully wedded husband." Logan smiled at me.
"I do."
"You may now kiss the bride." Logan giggled and I grabbed her by the waist, dipping her low and kissing her sweetly.

"I love you princess." I mumbled against her lips.
"Forever and always." She mumbled back.

A/N: This is probably some of the cutest shit I have ever written. I'm proud of this guys. What do you think? Comment, vote, ya know all that stuff. Love you guys.

Not so Secretive (Sequel to A Secret No One Should Know) *slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now