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At first it was silence in the car as both feel awkward to talk about what happened last night. they try to keep glances to each other as when other notice the staring then look away. Jungkook is driving the car and looks like it is better condition as he can drive it fast. jen was guilty about everything she have done to him . he was behaving after her release from the hospital. she was done that for some reason but he keep try to make her laugh. she smiles remembering the times he done something to make her laugh but look down seeing no reaction from her. she try so many times to not laugh out loud but he doesn't stop. and now this he make this much effort and showing her places with his money . how will she pay him for his kindness. maybe it wrote somewhere that it's didn't important that you know them or be with them but just moments can tell you that you like there company and for Jungkook , she feels like this . too comfortable with him.

she nods to herself to make small talk with him, but then look to the scenery as the places looks out of place , she asked him confused " hey kook where is this , did we already left la ."

Jungkook looks relieved as she start to talk , it is not his nature to start a talk so smiling he says," yeah, it a long drive jen so you can sleep "

she still look confused but after realizing that he is a responsible, she just nod and fall asleep on passenger seat . Jungkook looks to her face as his smiling face turn into sadness , his eyes get wet by tears but he doesn't make any sound . he doesn't want to disturb her sleep.

after some time jen slowly start week up as the car ride get uncomfortable , irritated she says" yah!! why are you driving like this , i hurt my head by this consistent jumps . you get out from the car or just let me.....driv" her voice cut after looking at the place where the car was heading . she sharply turn to look at him who was quietly driving car with blank face. her mind yells to hit him but she stop herself after seeing his tear stain face.

she looks uneasy ,how he knows about this place . she only have tell him the story but not about her home and he just take her back to it.

she stably try to ask with her eyes but he didn't even turn to look at her. making her heartbeat loud . oh no! what is going on . this is not the plan. what are they doing here. she can't stop herself asking ," why? how do you know about this place kook. answer me"

still he keep quit that makes her mad as she take the car keys making it stop , Jungkook seat there quietly as she get out from the car and open his gate to make him out. slowly he comes out and look to her face. she takes a step forward and held his face in her hands.

she softly ask him," what are you doing , why are we here. do you know what is this place." to answer her he nods as she close her eyes and wipes his tears .

he push her away and take a step back with blank face , making her scare. he starts slowly telling her everything he learn this morning ," you wants to die because you thought that the guy you always have love cheat on you and your dreams of happy life with him is not going to happen. right"

jen looks to heartbroken to remember that time as she hear him, he continue " and if I tell you that he still want you in his life .that he regret it , he never want to do that or think about it so what will you do now jen."

jen take a breathe hearing him , no its not right . she can't go back so she tells him" NO!, he doesn't want me . its only pity for him , he things all of himself . I can't be with him". Jungkook still with his blank face try to convey his thoughts to her " look jen we had also done wrong by leaving the person we care for and they have suffer because our selfish reasons . at least try to met with them and let them explain it. I think they will be more hurt after hearing your passing. maybe you can still get your happy life back. "

jen shakes her head asking "how do you know about this , I never take anyone's call or tell you about the calls. so how ,no this morning who where talking with "

Jungkook smiles but not with happiness and reply" its was mark , he sound broken as if the call is his last hope . he tell me to let you know that he will wait for you as how much time you take . she need to hear his side too jen. maybe you still love him as you didn't return the kiss last night"

hearing this jen looks down like feeling shame within her , why she is so confused to this situation . she already left them so why her heart want to see them again. she also hurt him too. Jungkook start to take her bags out of the car and gently put them near her. she ask in shaky voice," you , what will do then . come with me kook"

Jungkook shake his head and again smile saying " I am also going to try to solve the matter in seoul . jimin is waiting for me . so it is a good bye then, live a happy life jennie kim. it's nice meeting you "all while jen stood froze as her mind stop to work . as he turn to walk back to car it suddenly start raining as if she comes back from her thoughts she rans and back hugged him with crying out loud.

hearing her cries make him cry too. her hands hugs him tight he try to pray them away with force and take long stride to get in the car without looking back. as he can still hear her crying.

he hits the staring wheels again and again as his tears falls too.


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I am crying too, my jenkook heart. So i hope you like it then please vote and comment 😇
Until next time 🤘

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