Bio #2 Petra Parker

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Petra and Peter are both the great weaver in this universe the Web of Life was made by both Anansi and his twin sister known as Arachne to the ancient Greeks, and Neith to the Egyptians, in the modern day she goes by Arachne though but often people will confuse her and Anansi for some reason and assume because of his trickster nature much like Loki, Anansi takes the form of a woman and claims himself his own twin sister, so she's also been called Anansi.

Neith in marvel is was actually credited as the creator of the web of life, but Anansi has also been given that credit so in this, Neith and Anansi both worked on the web of life when they saw Zarathos making the flame of creation, and because Zarathos referred to his flame as the heart and soul of creation and the multiverse, they thought why don't they make the body if Zarathos is going to make it's heart and soul connecting the three of them forever which is what draws Cain to the Parker twins.

Name: Petra Mayday Parker

Name: Petra Mayday Parker

Hero Name: Spider-Woman

Nicknames: Queen in black, one of the centers of the web of life, the riders spider-whore, princess of the web, Pet (only Cain can ever call her that), Neiths chosen one.

Powers and abilities

Spider physiology: After being bitten by a radioactive spider when she was fifteen Petra now has the abilities of a spider.

such powers include.

Wallcrawling: Petra can stick to any surface thanks to the ability to mentally control the flux of interatomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers.

Superhuman strength: Petra has the proportional strength of a spider able to lift as much as ten tons, though in times of great stress or need she has been shown to get stronger.

Superhuman Speed: Petra is capable of running and moving at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete typically clocking in at around two hundred miles an hour.

Superhuman Stamina: All that speed is useless without the ability to use it for long periods of time which is where Petras Superhuman Stamina comes in, thanks to her advanced musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human allowing her to perform physically difficult activities for long periods of time.

Superhuman Durability: Petra can take a hit, her body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human.

Superhuman Agility: Petras agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Not on a level of Wolverine, Shadow Rider, or even Deadpool, Petra still heals faster than normal humans usually recovering from injuries within a day of receiving them.

Contaminant immunity: Petra is incredibly tolerant to must drugs diseases and other harmful substances.

Superhuman Equilibrium: Petra possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable, achieving a state of perfect equilibrium on instinct alone balancing herself on any object.

Superhuman Reflexes: Like all her other physical abilities Petras reflexes are superhuman, able to dodge bullets thinks in part to her Spider-sense.

Spider-sense: a precognitive danger or "spider" sense which warns her of potential or immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of her skull, and links with her superhuman kinesthetics, enabling her to evade most any injuries unless she cognitively overrides her automatic reflexes.

Chaos Energy absorption: Petra can absorbed chaos energy which increases her strength and power even further, though it's unknown how she got the ability, some say it's because of her close proximity to Cain who like all demons and demon half breeds emit high amounts of Chaos and Tantric energy, some say it's because she's the reincarnation/vessel/avatar of the Spider Goddess Anansi, either way Petra can absorb chaos energy from evil beings in a fight making her that much more powerful.

Tantric Energy Absorption: A form of energy mainly given off during intercourse once again unknown how Petra came to have this ability but like the Chaos energy absorption some speculate it came from being around Cain.

The Venom Symbiote


Normal Suit

Symbiote Suit

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Symbiote Suit

Symbiote Suit

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