Chapter 8

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It took Felicia Hardy four months, but she finally found him, she tracked Peter Parker, Spider-Man to Las Vegas, now she just had to hope she could talk to him without Cain finding out, Felicia was very aware that Cain Blaze despised her, not because she was a thief, because he always saw her as leading Peter on.

Felicia couldn't fault him there, she knew one thing about Cain, he truly cared for Peter as a brother, and Peter saw Cain as a brother as well, all Felicia wanted was Peter to know she was there for him when he got back, she'd call him, but seems he either changed his number, or disconnected his service so as not to be traceable, her Spider was smart she knew that.

Felicia had barely been able to smuggle herself out of New York by calling in a few favors some occult criminals owed her and she found herself in Vegas, she tracked Peter, Cain, Wade, and Kaine, to one of the more expensive Hotels.

Felicia stood on the roof of one of the hotels across from it and looked around the windows, she found him, Peter, her Spider sitting in a room on his own, she was about to make her way to the window to get his attention, but Cain walked in.

Peter and Cain talked for a bit, and the pair left, Felicia climbed up to the window and opened it and snuck into Peters room, she placed a letter on his pillow, it said your Cat, and had a kiss mark left on it, Felicia heard the door open again and she left.

Peter came into his room and saw the window open, he closed it and saw something on his pillow, he went over to it.

It was an envelope on it was a kiss mark, and the words your cat, Peters eyes widened as he opened it and read the letter.

"Hey Spider, it's chaos in New York but I managed to get out, I wanted to check in on you before you left, but you had gone off the grid likely thinks to Cain, I want to talk, meet me on the Hotel roof tonight, don't tell Cain, we both know how he feels about me," the note said.

"P.S. I've missed you Peter, I hope I'll see you soon," the note finished, Peter hid the note, Felicia was right, he did know how Cain felt about her.

Cain had a strong dislike her, not because she was a thief, in fact Cain said once had she not strung Peter along so often he thought they could have been friends inside and outside the super hero uniforms, it was just how she was always seemingly leading Peter on that pissed Cain off, Peter was glad to have Cain looking out for him, but sometimes he thought Cain needed to calm down a bit when it came to the women in Peters life.

That night Peter snuck out of the hotel with his web shooters and webbed up to the hotel roof, "Hey Spider," said Felicia.

That night Peter snuck out of the hotel with his web shooters and webbed up to the hotel roof, "Hey Spider," said Felicia

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Peter gulped seeing her, he still thought Felicia was one of the most beautiful women he'd ever met, "Felicia," he said.

Felicia got up and walked over to him, and she hugged him, "I missed you so much Peter," she said and it sounded like she was crying.

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