Chapter 4

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Cain woke up in his bed in the Hotel, he, Wade, Peter, and Kaine were staying at, "Ah, fuck what happened last night, I remember tons of gambling, us all winning stacks after stacks, the Casino asked me to do a stunt and now it's blank," said Cain getting up as he went to the main room.

"Morning Dante, or are your Vergil?" asked Wade.

"He could be Nero," said Kaine.

"Fuck off what happened after my stunt last night?" asked Cain.

"Well you jumped a pit of boiling lava with flame throwers shooting fire everywhere randomly, you made it past all of that, but when hit the ground you flew forward and nearly got your skull crushed by the bikes front wheel you slid into the wall and were passed out by the time we got to you," said Peter.

"So we were hoping you'd tell us," said Wade.

"Huh let me think," said Cain as he sat down fingers to his temples.


Cain was dressed in white and red leather stunt man uniform as he put on the helmet and got on the bike.

"You can't live in fear, you can't live in fear," he thought to himself.

(Basically this scene from the movie replace the trucks with lava and imagine flame throwers lining the sides spewing out flames at random)

Cain revved the bike as he heard music playing he was guessing Wade did that, his song of choice crazy train by Ozzy Osbourne, not a bad song, Cain shot the bike forward and he jumped the pit of lava just barely missing each jet of flame as it shot at him he closed his eyes and suddenly memories that weren't his but were flashed in his head.

He saw himself fighting Clark, he saw himself with a girl dressed like Peter as Spider-Man, Clark and him made one huge attack and there was a burst of raw strength and power and things went dark, that's when Cain landed and fell forward his helmet hitting the wheel and he was knocked out.

Flashback end

"Next thing I know I'm waking up in bed," said Cain as he ate breakfast.

"So you had flashes of what can only be another variant of you," said Peter.

"Yep, and from looks of things, his universe was destroyed, that must be why I got his memories, for a moment I thought I saw portals open so I'm guessing an incursions happened," said Cain.

"Well hopefully that means there's others to look after New York while we're gone," said Kaine.

"Yeah," said Cain.

Cain just stood up and looked out the window, the memories he had of the girl who looked like Peter gave him weird feelings, it felt like they shared something.

"Well how much money collectively did we win last night?" asked Cain.

"Between us winning all the games, and your stunt last night, we won't need to work a day in our lives," said Wade.

"Wade, you know I'm immortal right?" asked Cain.

"Now your also richer than god," said Wade.

"Doubtful," said Cain.

"So aside from drinking and more gambling, what have we got planned?" asked Cain.

"Just that, unless you get asked to do more stunts," said Kaine.

All of them began to feel their heads hurt, it was like memories were being altered, no not altered, just added on to, Peter suddenly saw a girl that looked like him, they seemed to be raised together.

He saw her and him getting bullied by Flash, then Cain came in and nearly broke his arm, he saw the girl blush as she looked at him.

"You two ok?" he asked them.

"Ahhh," groaned Peter.

"Did you just have memories of a girl that looks just like you as a girl?" asked Cain.

"Yep," said Peter.

"What is happening?" asked Kaine as he also had memories of the girl.

"The incursion must be altering our history, adding the girl to our memories," said Cain.

"From the looks of her, she might be your sister now Peter," said Cain.


Petra stood on a building over looking the city she had protected, she had been gathering info on this world, her counterpart a young man named Peter Parker had disappeared, many had different stories to tell, he was on vacation, he had abandoned the city with Cain.

Petra was inclined to believe the former, after all Cain had been trying to convince her to join him for a vacation for years, her biggest regret was never joining him for one.

"Well, if this worlds me is on vacation, then who am I to disturb it, from what I've learned he's been through enough Hell to scar even the strongest will, till you get back, my new brother, I'll look after the place," said Petra as she dropped off the building and swung off her usual blue and red tights were covered by her faithful symbiote partner, Venom.

"Well, if this worlds me is on vacation, then who am I to disturb it, from what I've learned he's been through enough Hell to scar even the strongest will, till you get back, my new brother, I'll look after the place," said Petra as she dropped of...

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She then went silent as she landed in group of criminals and proceeded to beat them hard, she needed to teach them the difference between the nice spider, and the serious spider.

The Avengers

The Avengers met with their counterparts, and noticed they were a mostly female group, "You all are pathetic," said the woman who looked like Tony, her name was Antonia Maria Stark.

"We'd like to see you do better," said the main line Clint.

"Watch how you talk to her, ass hole," growled Hawkeye to his counterpart as he aimed an arrow, he had just checked on his family, they were safe at their farm, he told them he wanted to make sure Cain was ok before heading home.

They understood, Hawkeye saw the boy like a nephew, his kids saw him as their older brother.

"Ok, Stacey where's Petra?" asked Toni.

"Likely out there, and knowing her temper, she's already gotten back in black to show them what happens if a spider get's serious," said Stacey.

"Toni, Cap, please let me kill the other me," begged Hawkeye.

"Not yet Barton, save it for later," said Stacey.

Clint was shuttering in fear of his counterpart as he looked over smirking.

"No sign of Cain still, he must be blocking his signature," said Stephanie Strange.

"We at least know he's alive here," said Toni.

"But he abandoned us to clean up his mess," said Tony.

"Anthony, you know nothing of Cain," said Iron Woman as she got in her armor.

"He's simply out looking after his best friends health we guessed, because you all abandoned them," said Iron Woman as she flew off, her team leaving with her as they went out to clean up the city.

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