Chapter 6

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I'm bored so I'm gonna do a Cain, Peter, Kaine, and Wade doing something random chapter both this universe and the one that was mixed into it by Incursion are composite universes events have happened such as Spider-Man having a team with White Tiger, Iron Fist, Power Man, and Nova like in Ultimate Spider-Man but it wasn't as often, they were kind of a thrown together team to deal with street level crimes but they still became a tight nit group or so they thought, so if I mention something from a movie, or cartoon, or an alternate universe comic line, than keep in mind this is a composite universe.

Cain rolled off the couch as he felt his stomach groan, "god I haven't been this hung over since that time Thor brought Asgardian Mead to a party," groaned Cain.

"Same," groaned Peter.

"How did you last so long?" Kaine asked from where he was laying faced down.

"Lots and lots of practice," said Cain.

Wade came back in with a cart of food, "hello my friends, I bring food," said Wade as he grabbed himself some chimichangas.

"Of course he includes those in breakfast," said Cain.

"Says the guy who'd eat Pizza for every meal," said Wade as he ate, Cain grabbed a plate of waffles, eggs, and bacon and stacked them together in a sandwich and ate it.

Peter went for the eggs and hashbrowns, and Kaine some sausage and toast.

"Alright, so we're all a bit hungover from last night, I say was stay in the room the rest of the day and relax with a little game," said Wade.

"What game?" asked Peter.

"The age old of, SMASH OR PASS," yelled Deadpool.

"Ahhh Wade, don't fucking scream," said Cain.

"Oh sorry, but anyway, we and the readers can say who we would smash, and who we pass on," said Wade.

"We know how this game goes DP just why? Most of us are single," said Kaine.

"It's a great time to figure out who we can all go for and who's off limits," said Wade.

"Fine," groaned Cain.

The four men finished breakfast and Wade set up a slide show titled the hottest women in the marvel universe.

"Let's get started first up, Mary Whore Watson," said Wade as he put up a picture of MJ.

"Pass," said Cain

"Pass," said Wade.

"Pass," said Kaine.

"Pass," said Peter and the other three gave him a surprised look.

"What?" asked Peter.

"Did you just pass on MJ, congratulations Parker your not a simp anymore," said Cain smirking.

"Ok, next Gwen Stacy-616," said Wade as he put a picture of her up.

"Pass, that's Peters girl and she's like my sister," said Cain.

"Also gonna pass, not that into her," said Kaine.

"Also a pass for me, I'm not out to steal my best buddies main girl," said Wade.

"If she were still alive, smash," said Peter not noticing the three referred to Gwen as if she were still around.

"Next we have a classy who's ass we all have probably fantasized at least once about," said Wade.

"Anna Marie, the Rogue," said Deadpool putting up a picture of Rogue.

"She's hot, but I don't want to die, pass," said Kaine.

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