Time Skip or No Time skip

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I don't really have any more ideas for Peter, and Cain in Vegas so you all want me to just time skip two months and bring them home to clean up the mess, or do you guys have some more suffering you want to see for the characters already in New York, keep in mind canonically when Petra and Gwen are brought to the theater nobody knows Gwen is the Pale Spider, but that doesn't mean that it won't have it's own reveal, I just wanted to do it in that one, next chapter can be the canon reveal of Gwen for the main story.

This does kind of effect the Reaction story as Cain, Peter, Kaine, and Wade won't show up till they return to New York.

Anyway, just because Cain, and Peter are coming home, doesn't mean that the other characters who were against them won't suffer still, no redemption arcs for some characters yet, I do have characters that I like enough to give redemption, I did let Black Cat get redeemed after all, and even have an incursion Black Cat being set up to be with Cain.

I am still playing with ideas for Susan Storm but nothing is solid yet.

Anyway while we're on the subject of twin characters and counterparts, let's discuss Phoenix and her feelings for Anansi and Zarathos.

I do have some form of a solution, the dark half of Phoenix, or Dark Phoenix, can be the half attracted to the more demonic and dark aligned Zarathos, and she can be given to either Jean Grey, or her clone Madalyn Pryor, and one of them can be added to Cains harem.

The lighter half of Phoenix the White Phoenix of the Crown can be the half of Phoenix who's in love with Anansi, and can be given to whichever character doesn't get Dark Phoenix and she goes to Peters harem, either Jean or Madalyn, I leave it up to you guys.

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