Chapter 5

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Petra Parker is currently in a Back in Black symbiote mode, Cain isn't around, her memories are altering to where she sees Peter as her twin brother, so she's taking some anger out on villains and being the darker Spider.

Gwen Stacey clung to a building as rain came down on her.

Thunder boomed over her, lightning flashed, she saw a squad of cop cars driving passed from her comm she heard a police alert, Kraven the Hunter, and Rhino were attacking

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Thunder boomed over her, lightning flashed, she saw a squad of cop cars driving passed from her comm she heard a police alert, Kraven the Hunter, and Rhino were attacking.

"Time to go," thought Gwen as she swung off after the police cars the young woman landed on a building and she spotted another young woman who was fighting Kraven and Rhino, she was wearing what looked like a black version of Peters suit with a giant white spider going across the chest and back.

She punched Rhino hard knocking him down, "a-are you trying to kill us?" groaned a lackey on the ground.

"Maybe, maybe I just want you to hope the real Spider-Man returns and you'll appreciate how much nicer he is then me," she hissed as she kicked the man in the face knocking him out.

Kraven tried to stab the Spider-Woman in black, but she stopped him, "Kraven, did you ever wonder how easy it is for me to break your arm?" asked the girl, she then snapped his arm like a twig causing the hunter to scream in pain.

"Here I thought the worlds greatest hunter couldn't feel pain," said the woman as she walked over to Rhino grabbed him by the horn picked him up and slammed him down into the streets hard.

"Your a pretty violent and aggressive spider," said Gwen as she landed.

"I suppose your Ghost Spider," said Petra as she clenched her fist.

"I'm not that little traitor, I'm called the Pale Spider, the fact we dress the same, blame my friend he had this costume designed," said Gwen.

"So you gonna tell me to tone it down with this garbage?" asked Petra.

"Hell no, but I would like some fun left for me, these idiots were part of the reason the man I loved had to leave," growled Gwen as she kicked Kraven into a wall.

"Glad I'm not the only hyper aggressive spider here," said The Spider-Woman in black.

"So what do I call you?" asked Gwen.

"Spider-Woman," said Spider-Woman.

"You realize there's already a Spider-Woman right?" asked Gwen.

"Jess isn't a worthy Spider-Woman," said Spider-Woman.

"I agree with you there," said Gwen.

"So what brought you out here to dispatch justice?" asked Gwen.

"My male counterpart in this universe, and the counterpart of my boyfriend went out of town, trying to get the house clean before they get back," said Spider-Woman.

"Wait are you a female version of Peter?" asked a smirking Gwen.

"What's it to you?" asked Spider-Woman.

"Woah relax, let's head up to the roof," said Gwen and they swung up to a roof, and Gwen took off her mask.

"So I'm this universes Gwen Stacey, newly resurrected from Hell," said Gwen as she took off her mask.

"No way you'd be in Hell, Gwen Stacey was a saint," said Petra.

"I wouldn't say that, me and Peter got up to some pretty sinful activities in High school and college," said a smirking Gwen.

"I don't need to know," said Petra.

"Anyway, a celestial called the Progenitor revived me as a reward for Peter impressing it with his good heart, but it was only for a moment, as I was returning to Heaven, Mephisto took my soul and trapped me and tortured me for thousands of years in Hell time, Cain came down to save Peters daughter Mayday, and that's how he found me," said Gwen.

"Cain got me out of Hell, on the way out I managed to drink the blood of a spider demon and so now I'm a human with spider demon powers," said Gwen.

"Wow," said Petra.

"Yeah," said Gwen.

"So, since Cain isn't here, wanna be my new partner for a while?" asked Petra.

"Sure," said Gwen, the pair swung off to find more criminals to beat.


Cain and Peter were collecting more money as they continued their winning streak, the pair were probably close to bankrupting the casino, and they still couldn't prove either of them were cheating, thank you spider sense and clairvoyance.

Kaine and Wade were also making out like bandits, but not as much as the Spider and Rider did.

The four were now at the bar having a drinking contest, Cain had slipped some seals that suppressed their healing factors enough to allow them to get drunk, but not enough for Wades cancer to catch up to him.

"Come on Parker you wuss, you can do better than that," said Cain as he held his fifteenth glass of alcohol and he was looking a little drunk, his words were kind of slurred.

Kaine was on his fourteenth, Wade was tied with Cain, and Peter was on his twelfth.

Cain chugged down the alcohol like it was a shot then got another.

Before long both Parker brothers tapped out leaving it to the merc with a mouth, and the demonic anti-hero.

Both continued drinking but despite the inhuman will, and healing abilities, Cain wasn't human he was a demon so he was able to out last Wade and drag his three friends back to their room where he just tossed them to the side before falling over and passing out drunk.

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