Franklin and Valeria's real fathers

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So I've been playing with the idea that Franklin Richards is the son of Susan Storm and Cain Blaze, and Valeria Richards is the daughter of Susan and Peter.

Franklin in the comics recently started dying his hair black, but I started thinking that was just his natural hair color and over time his hair started to darken as a sign of his demonic heritage, that's also why he's such a powerful reality warper, not because of the luck of the draw for his genetics, but because his real father Cain Blaze has powerful reality altering abilities laying dormant in his blood just waiting to be unlocked.

Valeria doesn't have superpowers, but she does have the combined intelligence of Susan and Peter, Susan is still among one of the more intelligent people in the marvel universe, she's not going to invent anything ground breaking, but she does understand the things Reed can talk about, Peter, is the equal to Reed, Tony, and Hank in terms of his intellect honestly I'll probably portray him as superior to their intellect in someway because as far as I'm concerned Peter deserves that much so Valeria was born with the potential to become the smartest woman in the marvel universe.

Now how does this happen, well first, Cain is attending a party at Avengers mansion after saving the world, Thor brought some alcohol said to get gods drunk so Cain tries it and he ends up drunk and eventually in bed with Sue, nine months later Franklin was born.

Same thing would happen a year later only this time with Peter and a Valeria was born, Sue knows that Peter and Cain are the real fathers of her children, and she's torn between feelings she has for both of them, yes Sue has feelings for both of them but she's torn because, one she's still married, two, she doesn't know if either of them is down to share her between them.

So what do you guys think, do you want Franklin to be the son of Cain, and Valeria the daughter of Peter, or should they just be two kids who are really close to their uncles and see them as their actual fathers, I kind of like the idea, but comment or I'll do it anyway if no one stops me, because I take silence as your agreement.

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