Chapter 10

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I'm out of ideas of what else to do so other than bringing children of Peter and Cain from the future to protect the city, I think I'm going to just time skip, if I come up with any good scenes that happened between the boys leaving and coming back, I'll do them as Flashbacks, and if you were hoping for another Smash or Pass chapter, don't worry, I'll do another one at some point, probably, that is if you guys really enjoyed Wade and Kaine learning about Cain and Peters preference of female.

It's been seven months since Cain Blaze and Peter Parker left, now the two young men were packing up their stuff, time for them to go home.

"I think we've let New York suffer under the reign of the Avengers long enough," said Cain.

"I agree," said Peter.

"Oh well, it was fun while it lasted," said Kaine.

"At least now we can join the reaction, and beat Stank, and the others," said Wade.

"What?" asked the other three.

"Nothing," said Wade with a smile.

They packed up their things, checked out of the hotel and packed the truck and motorcycle before driving off back to New York.

"Cain we might need a boost, who even knows if New York is even still there, it has been two months since Black Cat came looking for Peter," said Kaine.

"Probably," said Cain as he drove up next to the truck and reached out his hand now coated in demonic energy after placing his hand on the truck it began to change into a more demonic looking truck and it drove off faster than the mortal eye could see.

"Let's ride," thought Cain as he turned into his Ghost Rider form and his hell cycle caught up to Kaines new Hell Truck.

(Insert Ghost Riders in the Sky by Spiderbait here)

A few minutes later, they stopped outside of New York City, where the four saw smoke.

"Huh, leave seven months and it's hell on earth here," said Cain and he tapped the air only for it to look like water after a pebble was tossed into it sending waves to all side.

"Well good thing the Suns did as I commanded and put a barrier up," said Cain.

"Can we get in and deal with the problem?" asked Peter.

"Without letting anything out?" asked Kaine.

"I can make it work," said Cain as he put his hand to the magic barrier and an opening formed.

"In now before the demons realize there's an opening," said Cain and the spiders and merc went in, Cain followed and the hole closed up, there was a screech and some bat like demons came down to attack them, Cain took out his chain swung it and the demons exploded.

"Just in time," said Cain as he made four motorcycles appeared.

"Hope you boys know how to ride," said Cain as he mounted his ride and drove off, followed by the four other heroes.

"Alright Zarathos I need a break down of what demon controls each territory," Cain thought.

"Hmm, already have the list, the hidden control much of Midtown, currently Hells Kitchen is controlled by Blackheart, next we have Blackout in Brooklyn, Queens is under control of Lilith, Staten Island is where your dear brother Clark has his main base, it's basically his throne," said Zarathos.

"So Clark currently controls all the demons in New York, what of Spider-Mans rouges gallery?" asked Cain.

"Queen Goblin has allied herself to Lilith, they currently hunt down Norman Osborn intent on returning his sins to him, the sinister six work with the Hidden to control Midtown, King Pin works with Blackheart in Hells Kitchen, working along with Blackout is Tombstone, and as for Clark, well he's got Doctor Octopus helping him out," said Zarathos.

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