Chapter 11

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Peter swung into Queens his home that he grew up in around him demons were attacking people, heroes were doing their best, he spotted mostly spider heroes like Spider-Woman, Ghost-Spider, he spotted Anya he was happy to see some of his students here, Kamala came in and slammed a giant fist on some demons, and criminals.

"Hold the line," a new Spider-Girl called as she landed she was in an outfit like Gwens only it was mostly white with almost black veins running up it.

"Hold the line," a new Spider-Girl called as she landed she was in an outfit like Gwens only it was mostly white with almost black veins running up it

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(add her mask)

It looked like Ghost Spider had she bonded to the Anti-venom symbiote, "Don't give in," she shouted as she shot a web at a demon and fire seemed to spread around it.

"Easy. for you to say Pale Spider," shouted Anya as she punched one of the criminals.

It didn't take long for Queen Goblin and Lilith to show up.

It didn't take long for Queen Goblin and Lilith to show up

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"Foolish heroes," said Lilith as she blasted her green fire

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"Foolish heroes," said Lilith as she blasted her green fire.

"Tell me where Osborn is so I can return his sins to him," ordered the Goblin woman.

"Ashley," Norman said on his gold goblin glider.

"Ashley," Norman said on his gold goblin glider

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"Norman," growled Queen Goblin.

"You will take these sins back, or I'll destroy everything," said Queen Goblin.

White Tiger tried to attack the two queens, but Lilith held up her hand and blasted Ava away, Peter reacted fast and swung in and grabbed Ava landing between the villains, and the heroes.

"Tiger, are you ok?" Peter asked.

"Spider-Man?" asked Ava.

"Yeah it's me," said Peter.

Ava first slapped his head then hugged, "If you need a break tell me next time," Ava said.

"You were busy in Puerto Rico, I didn't want to ruin that," Peter said.

"Damn it Web-head your my friend, my teammate, just because we aren't a team anymore doesn't mean that stops," said Ava.

"Don't worry White Tiger, I'm back now, and my heads a bit clear," said Peter.

"Good, because there's an angry Goblin and Demon Queen," said Ava as Peter put her down.

"Very polite to let us have a conversation, so who's ready for a daily bowl of bodily harm?" Peter asked in his usual jokey way.

Peter was surrounded by a group of demons, and and criminals who all tried fighitng him, Peter punched one guy swept the legs of another jumped over another before kicking him in the back of the head, Peter landed and back handed two other guys with his fists.

A demon tried slicing him with claws Peter dodged at the last second wrapped it in webs and tossed it to it's buddies.

"Gah, we weren't expecting the Rider, we need to return to Clark with this, if he's here the Rider has no doubt returned as well," growled Lilith.

The queens retreated taking the demons with them but leaving the henchmen, who Spider-Man then tied up and left hanging.

"Better call Yuri, tell her and Jean where to find these guys," said Peter.

Cop calls were already pulling up and out stepped one Jean DeWolff, "Spider-Man," Jean said.

Cop calls were already pulling up and out stepped one Jean DeWolff, "Spider-Man," Jean said

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"Spider-Man," Jean said.

"Hey, I'm back," Peter said nervously, and Jean smacked him.

"How many people are going to do that to me?" groaned Peter.

Gwen, Anya, Jessica, and Kamala all proceeded to do the same to him, "you all done?" asked Peter.

"Yes," said the women.

"Don't let it fool you, they've missed you Spider-Man," said the new Spider in black and white.

"So who are you?" asked Peter.

"Pale Spider," said the spider girl.

"Any other name?" asked Peter playfully, he didn't know why but he felt like he could just be playful with her.

"Not telling you, secret Identity," said Pale Spider.

"But tell you what Spider-Man, after this is over, why don't you buy me dinner and we can discuss revealing who we really are," said Pale Spider and Spider-Man thought he heard a smile in her voice.

"So Spider-Man if your back does that mean Shadow Rider is back?" asked Jessica.

"Yeah, he seperate us into four, he sent Scarlet Spider to Brooklyn, Deadpool to Hells Kitchen, and currently he's in Midtown," said Peter.

"When I've cleared Queens of demons and criminals I'll be heading to Staten Island, according to Zarathos that's where Clark and Zadkiel are based," said Peter.

"Alright we'll join you," said Pale Spider.

The group got to work on catching criminals it seemed the demons were falling back on their own, not out of fear of Peter or Anansi, likely they knew that if Peter was back, Cain was back, and they were running to their leader.

It took a few hours but Peter actually did manage to clear out Queens, or at least send the criminals running in fear of his return, something seems to have already gotten them scared, and Peter had a suspicion it had something to do with the new Pale Spider, she was more aggressive than the rest, but for some reason Peter didn't mind, he just kind of enjoyed watching her move about the Battlefield.

There was a certain grace to this Spider, but also the ruthlessness that matched the demons.

"How'd it only take a few hours to get them to clear out?" asked Kamala.

"They're afraid to deal with Spider-Man, now that he's back, crimes running scared without any heavy hitters especially since the demons seem to have sensed Shadow Riders return, the demons know their apex predator is here," said Pale Spider.

"Alright, I need to head to Staten Island," said Peter.

"We're coming with you," the girls said.

"Alright, let's go," said Peter as he swung off followed by the others, Pale Spider swung right next to him, below he spotted Police arresting criminals and they looked up, happy to see their true hero returned.

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