his last days

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*Kion patrol
That day, we didn't have patrol cause we weren't there for it. So after a few minutes in Fuli's cave, she says, "Alright, let's teach you to hunt." I say, "Right now?" She says, "Yeah, you'll probably need it with the wolves, so let's do it asap." I smile and say, "Okay, let's go."

Fuli always makes me feel comfortable no matter how bad I am at something. We train for hours before I finally start to get it, but she never raised her voice or anything, which helped. After a few hours, she says, "I think you're getting it. Do you want to try and actually hunt?" I say, "Sure."

We head to the hunting grounds and start to stalk a zebra. I see Fuli lick her lips before nodding at me to pounce. I creap up on it before pouncing on its neck and swiftly getting the kill. Fuli stands and says, "Nice kill." I spit the fur out my mouth and say, "Thanks." She says, "Now we have to carry it back." I say, "Alright should be easy."

We carried the zebra back to Fuli's cave pretty easily, and then we ate. We talked for an hour the sun has set and we both decide to sleep.

But a few hours later, around midnight, I'm woken up by a nudge in my side. It's Teo. He says, "Hey, we gotta talk." I stretch and say, "Okay." We walk out of the cave so we don't wake Fuli, and he says, "Sven wants you out of here in two days, on the second night." I think for a second before saying, "Okay, but why?" He says, "Sven is worried Simba is growing
suspicious of the wolves. Since you always leave in the same direction." I say, "Okay, so the second night, or probably late afternoon." He says, "Yeah, probably the afternoon, right before sunset." I say, "Got it." He says, "Alright, I gotta go." I say, "See ya." He says, "See you, bro."

I go back into the cave and lay down,  but Fuli says, "What was that about." I say, "I didn't mean to wake you up." She says, "It's okay." I say, "I have two days left here." She says, 'Oh, okay." She looks sad, so I lick her cheek and say, "I'll be fine, and you can visit whenever." She blushes and says, "I gotta make sure you stay outta trouble." I chuckle and say, "Like that'll stop me." She chuckles also and says, "I love you, Kai."

*Fuli pov*
Immediately after I say that, I realize what I said and blush even more. I say, "I-I-I'm sorry, Kai." But to my suprise, he nuzzles me and says, "I love you too, Fuls, no matter what." I nuzzle him back for a few minutes, and he purrs, but eventually he stops, and I notice he's asleep. I chuckle and lay him down before laying on his chest.

I wake up the next morning, and he's gone. I say, "Kion?" When I get no response, I panic briefly until Kion walks in and says, "I'm okay, I didn't mean to scare you." I laugh it off and say, "Phew, you had me worried."

*Kion pov*
I'm worried for Fuli after I leave, so I say, "Fuls, do you think you'll be okay without me?" She tilts her head and says, "What do you mean?" I say, "With the guard, you'll be the leader. Since you're the second in command, can you handle it?" She says, "Of course, I'm stronger than you think, Kion." I say, "I know, I'm just worried." She says, 'You shouldn't worry about me, worry about you and your father." I say, "I do that every day. I like worrying about you more, though." She scoffs and says, "Was that meant to be romantic?" I say, "Not really." She nuzzles me and says, "Let's go to patrol." I say, "Yeah, let's get the first over with early."

When we get to the lair, Bunga says, "Where were you guys?" I say, "Don't worry about it, Bunga." He says, "Just tell me." I say, "Places, alone, away from my father, is that enough." Bunga rolls my eyes, but I say, "Let's start patrol."

*Time skip 3 hours*
As we wrap up the first patrol, I say, "I'm gonna check on Roni alone. You guys are good for now." Everyone leaves until it's just me and Fuli. She hugs me and says, "Be careful." I say, "I will. I'll see you soon." She smiles before walking towards the lair.

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