Someone else?

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Y/n's POV
"Hey! Yen you have to take out the trash today it's your turn" winter exclaimed
"In a minute!" I said as I was trying not to smile at a text..
"Yen..who are you texting..?" Winter asked
"I uh..I am texting a friend ya!" I said in a hurry still trying to told my smile
"Yen no show me" with that winter snatched my phone away
"YOUR SEEING SOMONE?!?!?" She asked me looking pale
"Noo.....well ya..I mean she is so cute and matches my energy so I tried matching myself with her when I found her in the dating app and a few minutes ago I got a text from her and we liked each other instantly.." I explained
"What about??? What about ryu?!?" She asked me
"I swear this is one of my side people" I said
"SIDE PEOPLE???!?!! your using them yen it's not really good you know?!" Winter exclaimed "what's her name?" She asked
"Wait?!? What?!? Yen is she who I think it is???!! Show me a pic of her" winter jumped
In confusion....I then showed her the picture
"Yen you know she is Ryujin's friend right?"
"What?" I said
"WHAT?!?!" She exclaimed
"I sorry but Ryujin never talked about her..."
"I thought she told you Ryujin and her where friends until the last year of high school they were inseparable untill natty tried to get rid of Ryujin because she thought Ryu liked her boyfriend..."
"That's so stupid like why the fuck would get rid of  ryu without proof??"
"yen your acting like your in 6th GRADE!"
"Ok fine"
"Pls don't agree to be in a relationship" winter asked me
"Uh ok I won't don't worry" pls tell me she bought that...I cant tell that I agreed already..
(2 days later)
I am going to meet this natty but I should keep it away from them tats gonna be easy right? worng...winter cought me well thats great...."y/n dont make this mistake if ryu finds out you are not gonna be having to cute little lovey dovey moments anymore pls dont do this" 
"winter its only one date also i am not going to offically date her.." i said 
"we will see about that but consider my words and ryujin" 

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