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                             was Tuesday

I felt a certain armour on that day

it was a bristling walk to the station and I felt him there crawling up my skin

a presence of male energy

I wondered who he was 

the guy I saw in Kingston in July 

or was it Adam

I felt starry eyed

and everthing I worked for meant I needed to be hit with another tomorrow 

I. must. not. get. ill.

I must be fine 

I must eat

I must chat to a friend from deutschland 

but mostly never ever get angry at mum

she is violent herself sometimes psychologically 

my dad would mostly do the beatings

I teleported out into the woods of a campus 

I even ate breakfast 

went to the co op because it was close by and it reminded me of home

one thing I never understood about blue lips was the endorphines id get talking to strangers RIP

lol im glad its dead

it was broke me 


I ended up playing chess by myself

I lost contact with my father 

I was teleporting to the rainforest where \I met a stranger who had my views but this towards my flat in july that I rented out 

when I met Renold he was nice to me 

he was goodlooking and we shared banter but he was a bit young so I blocked him

2 years younger than me 

I was 19 

him 17

he said I should wait till he turned 18 and I did in april

but I didn't like him asking too many personal questions 

especially about Boris and my medication he said he was too old for me 

he said he was in uni

which retrospect would mean he went to princeton that movie was actually sort of what took place

but I was 16 by then and loved nicki minaj

I knew him but \I did not remember him

it was like deja vu and he never admitted it ever to knowing me but I catched on

and left 

but then he teleported to my apartment 

and he manipulated me into thinking he was an ok person

he said he would treat me like a goddess 

then he had sex with me spirtually and I caved and sent him  a nude 

out it on meds

after my hiatus on my celebrity get me out of here (psych ward) \I confessed and they all looked at me like I was disgusting but we quickly got over it and made jokes about other shit

he made a whole book about it 

saying how sick \I was 

i guess im a sick girl

anyway the teleportation was real I was in tune with my senses which is why another reason I tried to kill myself 

after I sent him the pink sports bra and my flat belly that was it

I blocked him for good

went about my day did a couple of takes on the sequel and left

went outside and a cop showed up

I swear you're more likely to fuck up at 19 and 20

things went downhill here

how did I get here

I used to feel so alive but I had nothing going for me and the doctors had found me 

psychopathy will be destroyed they had in their heads

couldn't help themselves with their fat paychecks and pretty teeth


anyway years later he raped me

in my old apartment 


offshore and switched up on my headphones and depleting meds 

feeling so scared 

I hated him but got over it feeling like I deserved it <3

the end 

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