7 0 0

rivers are red

hawas are grapes 

horses are strong

and my ticks are my own

not copywrite infringement 

or a ireland midsummer murder 

Juliet or Ophelia 

she always dressed like her brother

didn't she in the first addition 

what if she was both or perhaps malachi was that

a figment of birth 

he lives on in Virginia

with a degree and I don't

he loves me once in a while 

sees me at my absolute best 

and walks out with his white privilege

she missed his heart beat

or perhaps she saw him 

in her mothers stomach

covering her while the other twin wanted shelter in a hub 

glowing red my papa sang to me the Quran

love at first sight 


like glass mischka

cece the world 

my first word <3

humming and protecting my aura

whatever genetic I took im proud of it

whether you're barren 

or a profile away

Roswell was my home forever 

in our interlude of happiness 

love the cactus 

I remember my home there

so shiny and brand new 

but also the knowledge of my people 

sag hi mi tu li mi ho

remember us originals 


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