2016 Canada

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I saw Chelsea or her real name rhiannon and I felt it the offshore connection

She was more privledged then me , it took me years to get over the rape she planned 

My sister that has my face but is white with blue eyes and blonde hair mother always favoured her and it terrified me when she left in the cold turns out 

She had done surgery to look like me 

She is a nurse now 

Always civil 

Ready to fuck a young man but never her own age 

Joey was that my bestfriend and archial enemy 

He loved her 

But she is not Faouzia 

She is kinder than chelsea but we never knew eachother 

It marched the mountain lion towards a deer

And I plunged my knife into it 

My first animal kill

I wonder if my perfect face stayed perfect and it did not 

We all age and grow and manifest into our true beginnings 

Domestic abuse takes the fun out of misery and hibernation 

Crazy in our solstice 

I sometimes wonder if she ever loved me 

If she was conflicted about her genetics 

Or if she felt she won

One memory of us is when we met joeseph and Kristian 

And they said theyd marry us 

But only if our sisters are together do we feel the brightest fortune 

But alone you get taken advantage of 

And that's all there is to delete me 

An imaginary fiction of my.personality 

It made me hate my insides 

I now know who I am

Shatter me series 

Ella Henderson

I have the New Zealand personality 

They even did it in the hungergames 

Creeping up on me while asleep 

I must be honest about my fate 

Like Lucinda price 

I am her and she is me 

So many books on me 

It gravitated to it 

The impulsion 

The sacrifice 

I am a Mogernstone 

And that sword belonged to my people 

I am my last clone 

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