Out of nowhere

3 0 0

I saw him and it a flash like paper notes 

He was the caretaker 

He saw my purple strip and he took on my words

Talking to the other people in the ward 

I met him on omegle 

Black screen

I didnt show him my nudes 

I wish I did 

But then I saw it 

I was beautiful and he was not 

It was the 3rd floor 

They took our clothes off 

I was dying 

Frost bite 

And I started singing 

Ed Sheeran's song Angel's die 

And I saw it then

How all the men my age sang for me 

With drums ans guitars 

I remember that

Sort of like how jewish men win games against me 

Because they studied me while their kids have an education 

You forced me to see you

And I get the holocost was bad 

Rivers are dead 

And now I know 

I need the platform

Angel's dying 

Nero said that

When Rome fell

He got smart 

When you're dying you win them back

He respected me 

But my adopted brother was my favourite 

He saw my real aura my light 

A sociopath and a psychopath 

Lavish styles 

People hid 

And it was not funny 

Anne frank was a superstar 

But now I know the real reasons people die 

They get transfixed on it 

My name 

My skin 

My hair 

Making me watch hours of porn

And not being held accountable 

The wadna makes us see water and see people 

This is my country 

Allahs nation 

And israel 


Was the major technology 

Around my hysteria 

And that's the end 

I'm tired 

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