Red Notes

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As a young child, I knew someone. Who didn't like black children? She dropped them. There's a calling for it in their hearts whether it be from desperation or a madness to an island they went to when they saw a sharmon. But let's talk about the 1 8 rota. Its a method that has a circuit run of patterns to help doctors,nurses,social workers have a structure

insomnia is serious

head injuries are serious

was not allowed to sleep

I used to walk unconscious to Ulleval where I'd be doing chores for people higher up. It scared me when I became accustomed to the dark. I had this massive theory that a physicist was harvesting my organs to sell on the black market. It actually calmed me down to know how wanted I was organ-wise. Its a curiosity and a bit dangerous. I was 20 I thought he would never keep me in here till my 26th its a strong grudge but I dont use my resources to ruin Mother Nature. That is detrimental to organisms and being

16 is when I heard the joke of having small kidneys

thats a bmi joke that tags a bit too far im sure the bad energy was put else wear

maybe my nervous system

id never had the hope to go out into the the sun this late in an area that caused so much grief but people know when you're not fine physically and they push you to a side of you. You can't look in the mirror

and it makes them smile to see you as a laughingstock. lungs are beautiful and so is healthy skin to refuse oxygen and hyaluronic acid it causes winter depression and it stays that way until another calling of another naive participant

I saw her eyes that day and it caused me to regret my answers. They were wild. as in ready to cause isolation in a souls body. Necromancy is what she wrote about me but or perhaps a bands lyric I have no clue how deeply toxic it went but that first impression counted and it was my very last card on the deck.

When I heard Adam and I first met I was 3 years younger than him the age gap was fine in some regards but I was black you know in england its fine theyre a bit more chill with racism as in they like their holidays and keep it to a minmum besides guy forks day im sure its nice but it should be a fun time without the contious backstabbing of friends with bad intentions.

and other school mates who go on twitter too much and get the anonymity of it its just white privledge and I say that with my chest its a cycle of mayhem that perhaps could be done anymously or in a garden

I never went until one day I left my home in anger spirit. I have rules in my home at the time where I wouldnt study where I partied its a sad truth but ultimately i always thought about tests but its a hard life thinking about teenagers being a red flag and then adults having mental breakdowns and becoming one of them.

but thats exactly why Adam is a prophet I mean stuck me in a psych ward since a child had his flings and ruined my birthdays and happiness. I dont forgive running away from traumatic people. What I do forgive is his longing to help me out of situations he was a safe bet but our language barrier was infact a ghost of a white woman. He never told we were married. She knew same age as him. I had no clue that my situation was being a christmas nightmare. I couldnt afford a present on his birthday. I did it just wasnt enough. But a lot of people wanted the relationship to end people with the evil eye or weird acronyms for othering other people. He was outbound...

you know when youre mentally exhuasted and eveyone wants you to be the one to fix things that was me even with indian community. I am respectful until it becomes a given. You see a young girl without a childhood and you wonder if the people invovled will ever apologise for leaving you in the dust or not letting you know your ex was austistic

wait no

autisitic but you cant be one too

so he lies you to you about your sense of being

and manipulates you into thinking you are not a psychoapth

raicist infact

nepotism child banter

I relish in the fire ill see as their houses burn and their ponds become still in the glow of ceasefire. Thats a vision I have in my most darkest of his sister. I never think of his companion in a bad way but bitch took me apart with medication so I guess she laughs at the evil

I inspire her in a weird way

sort of like how in heaven she took him from me and it happened here too

I accepted it but 15 when I should have been around cake and love and happiness

no dreams _


tips on staying skinny as I take him from you anyway

he was the problem though he could of just confessed 

I saw Britney Spears in a dream after the accident 

she was a small child the same blonde hair but longer 

she kept hers

while my frizzy blonde hair always alluding to my half russian roots from a jewish doctor a delusion or perhaps real


same teddy bear

my sister finally free

twenty one pilots neon graves

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