Chapter 37

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"I find it hard to believe that they told you all that," Hitoshi drawled, eyeing me up and down with poorly concealed suspicion. Fourth hour had just ended and he wanted to know what took Helix and me so long to get copies. I told him what the teacher had revealed as we walked to the cafeteria. 

"I wouldn't lie about teacher gossip, Toshi." My eyes rolled of their own accord, annoyance leaking into my voice. 

He shook his head. "I just can't see it. Mr. Aizawa and Helix? Seriously?" 

"I don't know," I admitted with a soft sigh, grabbing his hand and pulling it to my chest. I was starting to get anxious as we got closer to the lunch room. There were too many people. "It just makes me sad to think that I could have ended up in the exact same situation. A few different times." 

"Never would have happened, love," Hitoshi corrected swiftly. "Even if Kirishima and Bakugou would have turned out to be completely assholes, you never would have lost me." 

I smiled softly, some of the anxiety and tension leaving me at his words. I would have had to fight him off with a stick for him to ever give up on me. What had I ever done to deserve him? 

As soon as we sat down at our lunch table, a brown paper bag was placed in front of me by Katsuki. "Here." 

I blinked between the bag and him. We had rushed to get to school on time, how had he made me a lunch? "When did you-" 

"He skipped fourth hour," Eijirou chimed in, completely throwing our other boyfriend under the bus. 

Before I could even begin to start scolding him, Katsuki waved me off. "Making sure you eat is more important than missing one class. Eat, angel." 

I was promptly shut up. I almost preferred it when he called me Deku, at least that nickname didn't make me melt in half a second. He could get away with just about anything if he kept calling me angel. 

"He is never gonna live this down," Sero said with a small laugh, enjoying the way Katsuki scowled in his direction. 

Todoroki was sitting next to him, like always, their arms pressed firmly together. The half-and-half teen was a slut for any kind of physical touch with those he trusted. "That name doesn't suit him at all. He's much closer to a demon from hell." 

"Todo," I said with a teasing smile as I rested my chin in my hand. "Stop it, you're making me blush." 

Katsuki's hand planted itself on my thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze, a reminder to eat. "Demon from hell doesn't roll off the tongue as well as angel." 

Uraraka rolled her eyes with an amused smile at all of us and our antics. "I'm sure the demon rolls off your tongue just fine, Bakugou." 

I choked on my laughter, a very unattractive noise leaving my lips as I tried to gain my breath back. 

"Shut it, round face." 

"That'd just be too easy," she said, enjoying how easy it was to push the blond's buttons. Just a few weeks ago she'd been terrified of him, but now she saw pissing him off as a game. I guess she'd finally realized he was all bark and no bite, at least not with people he cared about. He cared about me and I cared about her. He had to keep his temper in check by association. 

"Don't make him throw a fit in the middle of the cafeteria, please," Hitoshi said from my other side, sounding absolutely exhausted. When was he not though? 

"Fuck off, eye bags." 

"I'm literally just trying to help you." 

"I don't need your goddamn help." 

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