Chapter 13

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Band practice was cut short that night, due to Uraraka attending and dragging Ashido away to get ready three hours before we were supposed to leave. The rest of us stayed in the garage for another hour, just hanging out. As our departure time drew nearer, we decided to split off and get ready ourselves. 

"Do you think Uraraka will be pissed if I don't put all my piercings in?" I asked, flicking my gaze to Shinsou through the mirror I stood in front of. We were back in our room, trying to find outfits Uraraka wouldn't force us to change out of. 

Shinsou looked up from his bed where I had thrown a handful of his acceptable shirts, a brow raised in question. He was worse at dressing up than I was. He was currently shirtless after just getting out of the shower, a pair of black jeans hanging low on his hips. "Do you even need to ask?" 

My eyes traveled down his firm chest, more muscles on display than I remembered him having. "Shin," I asked, trying to hide my amusement. "Did you start working out?" 

He rolled his eyes at my teasing, turning back to his shirt options. "We were serious when we said back home got boring without you, I had to fill the time somehow." 

I burst into laughter at his confession, steadying myself against my desk so I wouldn't fall over. "So you took up physical fitness?" 

"Shut up, it helps me sleep," he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. It caused them to flex and reveal just how into his workouts he was. I took a second to really look at him, realizing just how much he had filled out since last year. 

Once it registered in my brain that I was just checking him out at that point, I hurriedly averted my eyes. Not before Shinsou caught me, causing a smug smile to take over his face. 

He strolled his way over to my desk, leaning forward to brace his hands against it. His eyes scanned over my face through the mirror, then the assorted jewelry in front of me. I kept my own gaze fixed firmly on his face, even as his hand brushed mine to point at the one lip ring I still owned. I had thrown most of them out after I realized how difficult it was to kiss someone else with a lip piercing. "She'll probably ignore it if you wear your lip ring again, it's always been her favorite piercing of yours." 

And would also make it nearly impossible for me to make out with Eijirou for the night. He was right though, and I hated it. From the smirk plastered across his face, he knew exactly what he was doing and enjoying it. 

"Whatever," I muttered, grabbing the lip ring. I might have been playing right into his hands, but nothing was worse than being plastered and falling asleep with all my jewelry still on. It hurt like a bitch in the morning, so lip ring it was. 

Shinsou pushed himself off my desk and ruffled my hair as he walked back to his side of our room. 

I clenched my teeth at the action, my hair starting to frizz from the rough treatment. We were trying to not fight, and if I yelled at him now, I knew it would escalate. I held my tongue, shoving the piercing into my lip, which was annoyingly painful after not wearing it for months. 

"I'm not going," I announced, pushing my desk chair back and marching to my bed. I sat down too hard, causing my whole body to bounce once from the impact. 

"Have fun telling Uraraka that," Shinsou snorted, finally finding an acceptable shirt and slipping it on. It was a black band T he had cut the arms and sides off of, successfully turning into a muscle tank. It did nothing to hide his arms or torso. 

I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring holes into my carpet. "I don't want to go." 

"And you think I do?" 

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