Chapter 60

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True to his word, Eijirou was sober the next day. Have you ever felt like shit because your boyfriend has insane self-restraint and can just decide to not do drugs? I have. Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond happy that Ei didn't turn into me, but why the fuck was it so easy for him? In what world was that fair? 

"You're positive you actually want to go?" Hitoshi asked me for, what seemed like, the millionth time since we'd been home from school. He'd been trying to convince me all day to not go to the club and stay home with him for the night. It sounded like a much more appealing idea, but I was dead set on bodyguarding my other two boyfriends for the night. 

"I'm going, Toshi," I said with a sigh, having repeated myself enough already. "I'm not even gonna drink. I'm going to watch their set and then we're coming back." 

I wasn't sure what I was reassuring him about, because honestly, I couldn't pinpoint his anxiety. There were just too many options. He could be worried about me partying, or the fact I've gotten roofied before, or because of everything that happened with Shigaraki, the list goes on. The best I could do was convince him that it would be quick and painless. 

"Is anyone else staying sober?" 

I rolled my eyes, growing tired of his mother hen act. If I wanted to be coddled and babysat, I'd go hang out with my actual mom. "Katsuki is." 

"Oh, okay. Have fun." 

I blinked, looking over at him in mild disbelief. "Seriously? That's all it took?" 

He shrugged, most of his attention now focused on the book in his hands. "Between sober Bakugou and drunk Kirishima, I almost pity whoever tries to talk to you." 

I turned back to the jewelry laid out on my desk, trying to decide what pieces to wear. "Are you worried I'll get hit on or roofied?" 

"Just worried about you in general." 

"Awe, Toshi, you're so sweet," I teased, picking up one of my lip rings and putting it back down. My lip piercing was one of my favorites, but it made kissing my boyfriends (who all had lip pierces) more difficult than I wanted. 

He waved me off, not lifting his eyes from his book. "Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up and get ready before Uraraka breaks in and tries to get me to join." 


"It's so lame that Shinsou isn't here," Himiko grumbled while glaring at her empty shot glass. "And you're not even drinking! Seriously, when did all of you get so lame?" She turned her glassy eyes my way and I almost snorted at the sight. She was already sloshed. 

I was sitting at the bar drinking soda again, but this time I was keeping a close eye on that shit. Himiko was seated next to me with Uraraka and Ashido on the other side of her. The boys were on stage and about halfway through their set. 

"But we're not lame," Uraraka insisted, pointing to the three girls at the bar. "So we should totally go dance." 

Himiko glanced back over her shoulder at me with a pout. "But he's sober and won't dance with us." 

"I'll be five feet away," I told her, motioning to the dance floor that was two steps from the bar. Even plastered the blonde girl still thought I needed a babysitter. What the fuck? 

Himiko hummed while she thought over my words. "Deal," she said with a stern nod of her head before turning back to the girls. "Let's go be not lame!" 

I sighed as I watched them leave and took another sip of my drink. The music was good (obviously) and I always enjoyed watching the boys perform, so the night wasn't a total bust. It wasn't as much fun as it could be, but I already told Hitoshi I was staying sober and it felt gross to go back on that now. 

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