Chapter 45

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"Welcome back," Hitoshi muttered in a dull tone, not even bothering to look up when I came crashing through the window. It was one of my least graceful entries, but my legs felt like jello under me. Eijirou hadn't lied about after practice.  

"How many assignments do you have?" I asked, a little shocked to see him still working on chemistry. It had been two hours since I had left and he hadn't moved. 

He tapped the eraser at the end of his pencil against his forehead absently. "Last one." 

That was good news at least. "I'll leave you alone until you're finished then," I said with a small nod, glancing over my shoulder as Eijirou came through the window, followed shortly by Katsuki. I guessed we were all crashing in my room again, not that I was complaining. 

"No," Hitoshi said in a sudden and offended tone. "Come here." 

A small smile slipped onto my face as I made my way to him, draping myself across his back and peaking over his shoulder at the textbook in front of him. "I'm so happy I cheated my way through that class," I mumbled against his shirt, all of the information in front of me made zero sense. I never understood chemistry. 

"It's not that bad," he admitted, his attention returning to his work. "Just time-consuming." 

"If you say so." I lightly kissed his neck and moved to retreat, I was serious about not distracting him. I didn't get far before his hand was in my hair, keeping my chin against his shoulder. He lazily massaged my scalp, making me melt against him. The worst part was that he had no reaction to it, just kept scribbling down answers to his homework. 

"So," Eijirou spoke up, already sitting on the side of my bed and watching the two of us like a free show. "Iz won't let us go to the club without him anymore." 

"Seriously?" Hitoshi asked, apparently very skilled at multitasking. He was still filling in answers and writing down equations, but fully listening to the conversation. I, personally, could never. 

"They're playing Porn Star Dancing," I grumbled into his shoulder, an edge of bitterness in my voice. They were their own people and could play whatever song they wanted, didn't mean I was gonna be happy about it. 

Hitoshi laughed quietly at my reasoning. "And you're gonna bring your bat?" he teased, finally sparing me a glance. 

"Don't give him ideas," Katsuki complained, leaning his back against Eijirou and forcing the redhead to support both of their weights. 

"If you two weren't so fucking hot, I wouldn't need ideas," I hissed, wrapping my arms around Hitoshi's waist, effectively becoming a backpack. 

"Sorry," Katsuki sarcastically drawled, his red eyes flashing to meet mine. "Let me just become ugly real quick." 

"Thanks!" I chirped back. I looked back to Hitoshi's assignment and frowned, I wasn't a fan of the split attention thing he had going on. "How many more questions do you have?" 

"Last one." 

Mm, I guess I can be patient for one more question.

"There," he spoke up after only a few more questions. I was caught off guard, thinking it'd be a few minutes at least. "All yours." 

It was stupid how fast my heart beat at those insignificant words. 

"Hi," I said stupidly, a giddy smile on my face. I was probably still riding my high from the interaction with Shindo earlier, or maybe he just had that effect on me, I didn't particularly care which. 

He looked down at me with amusement dancing in his gaze. "Hello, love." 

"Eijirou decided to weaponize my kinks," I spoke up, tossing a glance at the redhead wearing a smug expression at my statement. 

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