Chapter 31

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I blinked my eyes open, finally waking up after what felt like an eternity of being asleep. The first thing I noticed was Hitoshi passed out next to me on my bed. I had no idea what had happened, or how I had gotten home. I looked around my room, hoping the answer would smack me in the face or something. 

Katsuki was sitting at the end of my bed, staring blankly at the wall past my pillows, his hand absently combing through Eijirou's hair. The other teen was fast asleep with his head on the blond's lap. My mother was sitting on Hitoshi's bed on the other side of the room, hand-sewing a hole in one of my sweatshirts. It was the one I remembered wearing last. Himari was sitting next to her, a book open in her hands. 

I looked down at myself, realizing that I was now only in my t-shirt and jeans. My head was killing me and the skin on my arms were covered in scratches that stung every time I shifted. 

I knew I had snuck off, met some dude named Suji, and gone to a party at his apartment. I still had no idea how I ended up back at home. Something told me I didn't want to find out the answer. 

Katsuki's eyes finally met mine, realizing I was awake. He didn't hesitate, kicking a sleeping Hitoshi and roughly shaking Eijirou's head. Both boys were up in an instant. "He's up," his gruff voice said, blazing crimson eyes never leaving me. 

He couldn't let me have one more moment of peace?

"Hey love," Hitoshi's gravel-filled morning voice still managed to send a shiver down my spine, even when I felt like I had gotten hit by a bus. "How're you feeling?" 

Both our moms had stood from his bed, taking slow steps toward us. Fan-fucking-tastic, I was a wounded animal nobody wanted to spook, yet again. 

"Like shit," I snapped, overly irritated due to being sober for the first time in... I actually wasn't sure how long I was gone. Damn, I'd really fallen off the deep end. "But breathing, you guys can leave now." I let my face fall into my pillow, the light in the room was too bright for my eyes. 

"We're not going anywhere, darlin'." Eijirou was trying to be sweet and supportive, but he was really just pissing me off. In his defense, everything was pissing me off. The downside of coming back to earth after a bender, I was angry for days. 

I pointed in the direction I knew my mother and Himari stood. "Fine, then they can leave." I didn't want to see or talk to my mom, some twisted part of my brain blamed her for everything that had happened. If she would have had a backbone for once in her life and turned Hisashi away at the door, I wouldn't be there. 

I heard one of them take another careful step toward me and as my mother spoke I knew it had been her. "Izuku, please just-" 

"Leave!" I yelled, finally turning to her with a scowl that held nothing but pure hatred. All of it had been her fault. Her fault for falling in love with that bastard, her fault for ever having me, her fault for letting him back into our lives twice. My entire, miserable existence was on her. Not for the first time in my life, I wished I had never been born. 

I didn't bother to watch her leave, turning my back on her while pointedly glaring at Hitoshi's chest. I didn't want to see him either, but at least he wasn't her. I didn't relax until I heard my bedroom door click shut behind her. 

That sound was all it took for me to break down in sobs, burying my face into my pillow as my whole body trembled from the weight of them. Everything I had pushed away and forgotten while high came back in full force, like a punch straight to the gut. All of my father's words, all of my mistakes, playing on a loop in my brain. 

I flinched away from the gentle hand placed on my back. "Don't touch me," I managed to say through my tears. "Just- just leave, please. I don't want any of you here. Please." 

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