Q and A

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Lyz: Alright losers, you know what time it is. If you've never read one of my Q and A's it's really simple, it's just the characters and I in a room doing an interview with your questions. Pretty much. I don't know, you'll catch on. 

Katsuki: You're shit at your job. 

Lyz: Not my job, it's actually illegal to make money off this, just a hobby. I'll be as shit at it as I want. 

Izuku: Is this... healing? Lyz isn't bullying themselves with fictional characters and actually standing up for themselves this time? 

Lyz: Mm, yup writing this is still as weird as every other time. I feel extremely weird inserting myself into fan fiction. 

Helix: Babes, pookie, darling... do you know who I am, fundamentally, as a character? 

Lyz: Yes, yes, I'm fully aware you're just me without social anxiety, we don't need to bring it up. 

Lyz: Anyhoozle, I'm just going right down the list for questions, so Izuku is up first. 


what is your favorite thing about each of your boyfriends? (i love you and your books 🤍)

Lyz: Well I tried to cheat and copy and paste the questions but now the font is all teeny tiny. What the fuck do I do now? But glad you enjoy them I guess, they're all pretty shit, I wrote most when I was 15-17. 

Izuku: Why can't you just accept the compliment? 

Lyz: Have you read the shit I've written? It's not particularly good. 

Izuku: I literally just pointed out that you weren't letting Katsuki bully you anymore and now you're backtracking. 

Lyz: I will never accept that people actually enjoy the brain dumps that are my fan fictions. 

Izuku: Whatever. Anyways, answering the question now. As much as it annoys me to no fucking end, my favorite thing about Katsuki is how well he can read people. I don't even have to communicate what's wrong because he's a freak and just knows

Katsuki: Did you just call me a fucking freak

Izuku: Don't get pissy and yell at me, my vocabulary is entirely Lyz's fault. 

Lyz: My bad broski, did not sleep enough after working for sixteen hours yesterday and then my boyfriend became an MMA fighter in his sleep and I woke up early to an elbow directly to the eye. I am not in the mood to take any of seriously, hence I'm working on the q and a and not writing a new chapter, one of you would end up dead.

Kaminari: Well-


Kaminari: .... hasn't stopped you before. 

Lyz: So sorry guys, Kaminari will no longer be surviving until the end of the fic. It wasn't the original plan but he's being a little bitch and it's annoying. 

Kaminari: I am literally fictional, if I'm being annoying it's because you're making me annoying. 

Lyz: This is getting too meta and Izuku hasn't even finished the question yet. 

Izuku: Yeah, I'm gonna do that and completely ignore whatever the fuck is going on right now. My favorite thing about Eijirou is, and you'll never get me to admit this in the actual fic bc I bitch about it all the time, but how protective he is. There hasn't been many people in my life that care as much as the boys do. The protectiveness is a physical manifestation of that care I guess. 

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