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"Guess who's joined you in trending music news this morning," Dominic prompted with a smug smirk on his face as he plopped his lanky body onto my couch and spread himself out, his long legs dangling over the edge

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"Guess who's joined you in trending music news this morning," Dominic prompted with a smug smirk on his face as he plopped his lanky body onto my couch and spread himself out, his long legs dangling over the edge.

"Who?" I asked, distracted by the list of names and folders to sort through on my laptop in front of me. I'd been on the living room floor for hours, getting more quality time with my rug and coffee table than I had since I moved here.

Dominic handed me his phone, his eyes closing as he folded his hands over his chest. "Dude, you look a little too relaxed for someone who promised to help me find background singers for this tour."

"I figured I could get a little nap in while you scroll through the socials. I'm sure you'll need a few minutes." he droned in a voice that let me know he was quickly drifting away.

This guy's ability to sleep any and everywhere was really alarming. I finally directed my attention to his phone in my hand, my eyes immediately landing on Latoya's pretty face, a picture of her sitting with her eyes closed as she sang on the Artfrikah stage a few days ago.

"New girl in town steals people's hearts with her amazing vocals," read the words accompanying the post. I swiped left and landed on a video of her singing her song, the rawness in her voice taking me back to that night when she blew all our minds with her  talent.

So many people were reposting videos of their favourite parts of her performance, most of them tagging the videos #makeneveahfamous. As Dom had correctly assumed, I found myself scrolling for a long while, my search for background singers on pause as I grabbed my phone and hesitated only a millisecond before I video-called Latoya, who picked up on the third ring, her face on the screen rendering me speechless.

"Hey, Towa." she smiled, and words completely failed me. "Uhh, hello?" she repeated through a confused giggle, her makeup enhanced face turning my heart into a galloping horse in my chest.

"Hi, sorry. It's just... You look stunning!" I said, unable to conceal what seeing her like this was doing to me. "What's the occasion?"

"The occasion is a date with my grandmother." she smiled. "They're having a special date night event at her old age home and they told us to dress to the nines, so."

"You still at home?" I asked, totally distracted from both my search for singers and Latoya's newfound fame.

"Yeah." Latoya clarified as she very obviously stared at her reflection and fixed her hair, her makeup glittering on her cheekbones whenever she made any slight movement. "I'm waiting for my sister to come pick me up."

"Can I see the full outfit?" I asked awkwardly, earning a hesitant look from her. I hastily added, "To see if you've actually dressed to the nines, you know?"

"Okay, but be nice." she pleaded shyly. "I spent forever deciding on the right dress to wear and I don't think I can go through all that again."

Just then, two files popped up on my screen, pictures she'd sent of herself posing in front of the huge mirror against a wall in her living room adorning my screen.

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