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"So... Amira, Latoya, Mike, and Azola, welcome to the team!" I said, regarding each of my background singers for the impending tour. They'd all officially signed their contracts and now it was time to get down to business.

"I want us to spend a few hours just familiarising ourselves with a basic stage setup in one of the rehearsal rooms." I announced, going deeper into work mode. "We're looking to create musical chemistry. I need us to move in sync, match each other's energy at all times, like a nice little well-oiled machine. Does anyone have any questions?"

"I do," Amira, a slender girl with honey toned brown skin and a blonde afro spoke up, "and I hope you don't take it personally, but... what happened to your face?"

I didn't take it personally at all. I'd expected that meeting me in person today would be a shock for each of the new background singers I'd brought on board, but wasn't worried about it. I'd made them sign non-disclosure agreements to keep my appearance to themselves if they really wanted to work with me. The direct question caught the others off guard, though. There was an uncomfortable shift around the table as Mike and Azola tried hard not to look at me. Dominic was staring daggers into Amira and Latoya was tense where she sat across from me.

"Maybe I should've gotten that elephant out of the way earlier," I said carefully, sitting up in my seat at the round table in the small office I'd chosen to conduct this meeting in. "My scars are from acid burns."

"Are they the reason you wear the mask?" Azola asked, no longer avoiding my face. "Fear of judgement or something?"

"When I first started releasing music on YouTube, yes." I answered him honestly. "I wanted to make music, but feared people wouldn't want to listen or watch if they knew I looked like this. That fear slid away and made room for comfort when I realised that the mask not only created an interesting air of curiosity around me and kept people talking, but also allowed me the luxury of keeping my personal life private, which I love. Over time, there have also been a lot of fun things I get to do with the mask, like how this tour will feature different kinds of mask designs sent in by my artistic fans to match the different countries we'll be performing in. So, it's not a crutch. It's become a form of artistic expression for me, which is why I can show my face to you all without worrying what you'll think."

"That's cool, man." Mike said, and the other two nodded their agreement.

I nodded too, looking at Toya, who wasn't saying anything and not even letting off what she was thinking, but if I could guess, I knew she was worried someone might say something problematic.

Dominic cleared his throat and straightened up. He'd been a silent observer so far, making notes and keeping tabs on what he needed to handle on his side of the music making business. "I just want to hop in here and remind you all that you have signed non-disclosures that specifically highlight the consequences that await anyone who reveals Note(d)'s identity to the public. Working under Ungweru Nkhata in any capacity is a privilege many aspiring musicians can only dream of. You all have found a good opportunity here, you were hand selected from a large group of talented individuals. Don't shoot yourselves in the foot trying to be messy. Got it?"

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