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"A private section in the arena for us to watch a live Note(d) performance and watch the Blazers play? Chey, this is bigger than you and Alex getting us free tickets to their games

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"A private section in the arena for us to watch a live Note(d) performance and watch the Blazers play? Chey, this is bigger than you and Alex getting us free tickets to their games. Do better, sis." Ashley marveled, her voice comically incredulous as we settled in the private VIP lounge Towani had organised for us two days earlier.

"Wow!" Cheyenne exclaimed as I snickered in my seat next to her. "Ungrateful much, Ash?"

"Just saying," Ashley shrugged through a giggle, her eyes fixed on the arena, which was slowly filling up.

"Mama, if my cousins are here today can I go play with them?"

"Of course Faro," Chey said sweetly. "We'll be on the lookout for them okay?"

"Okay!" Rufaro shouted, and began bouncing the ball she received as we entered the arena.

"Anyway," Cheyenne turned her attention back to us. "How are things going, Toya? We haven't really seen much of you since you guys started preparing for the tour."

"Things are fine. I love that I get to ease into being a performer. Fame seems a little less scary now." I admitted. "And I like not having to worry about my finances."

Ashley redirected her grin to me, her eyes sparkling as she said, "And I bet you love the perks of being with your boyfriend at work, huh?"

I grimaced and took my eyes off the floor, where kids from the stands had been given a chance to play a friendly match while we counted down minutes to the game. As the crowd grew, so did the volume in the arena. In the VIP lounge, we were lucky that it was quiet enough for us to talk.

"Uhh, no, actually. That's the one thing I won't be exploring too much at work, thanks..." I began, getting the girls' undivided attention. "One of the other background singers caught Towa and I in an office alone—"

"Hunching?!"  Ashley whispered, glancing at Rufaro to be sure she didn't hear her.

"No, Ash. Geez, I wouldn't do that." I said, alarmed. "But we were definitely all kissy and touchy, and Amira thought Towa was taking advantage of my desire to grow in the music industry. She concluded that I was sleeping my way to the top, which is obviously not true.

"No way." Ashley exclaimed. "Did she say that to your face?"

"Yeah, Towa's too.".

"That's crazy. How did that play out?" Chey asked as Rufaro came over just to link her fingers with Cheyenne's and play with her brand new nail set.

"I definitely freaked out. But Towa was right there to help me rationalise everything. We've smoothed things over, but I don't want such a thing to happen again. We're keeping things professional at work."

"At least you had him to help you smooth everything over." Ashley smiled. "I really like this guy for you."

"I really like him too. And speaking of him, he's  gonna join us here for the game. I just need everyone to be kind and not make him feel uncomfortable about his face, okay? Even you, little one." I tickled the side of Rufaro's stomach and she laughed and squirmed, her curious eyes adorable as she asked me what was wrong with my friend's face.

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