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Okay, who the heck am I dating?

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Okay, who the heck am I dating?

The thought screamed itself in my mind as my bulging eyes disbelievingly took in the sleek jet before me, growing bigger as the chauffeur Towani had sent to pick me up drove onto the private tarmac. A couple of hours earlier, when we left the studio after he caught me with his notebook, Towani had suggested that we both go home to freshen up and put on something fancy and more fitting for the date he had in mind. I couldn't have guessed that the date in question would include a black luxury vehicle I didn't even know the name of picking me up to drop me off at the airport.

I suddenly felt self-conscious in the burgundy slip dress I'd put on with a pair of black strappy heels I'd thrifted, wondering if I would indeed be able to fit into Towani's world. We came from such different backgrounds. He was born into money and had lived in its comforts his whole life. I had a much humbler upbringing, my circumstances necessitating frugal living even when I was making decent money after I graduated and started working for his dad. We were so different. Could we really make things work?

I grew even more nervous as the car pulled up next to one identical to it, my heart slamming as the chauffeur opened the door to let me out. I gingerly took his extended hand, my body seeming to function properly even with my mounting nerves. I stepped out of the car and Towani was there, coming around with a sweet smile on his face.

His body enveloped me in an affectionate hug, his voice in my ear as he softly said, "You look good, Toya. Absolutely gorgeous."

I relaxed in his arms, my anxiety moving out of the way to make room for hope. This man liked me. He wanted me despite the things he knew about me that would rightfully put others at unease. Any proof I needed of his feelings towards me was in the lyrics of his song, which were now engraved in my memory.

"Thank you." I smiled into his chest, my nose filling with a rich, creamy scent that made me want to curl up against him and never have to leave. "You smell like an expensive hug! Let me get a look at you."

We pulled apart as he chuckled at my statement and I stood back, taking in the khakhi slacks he'd worn with a white Chinese collar shirt and designer loafers. He hadn't buttoned his shirt all the way and his dreads were down, cascading past his shoulders in subtle curls, his hairline neatly trimmed. Sexy wasn't even close to the word. I closed the space between us and ran my hand down the open sliver of chest, our eyes locking as he encircled my waist with his arms. "What do you think?"

"I think it's sexier than sexy. You're what my sister would call a tall glass of yes, please." I mumbled through a blush, earning myself his signature lopsided grin. "Where are you taking me, though?"

"Somewhere nice, I promise." he declared as he slipped his hand into mine. "Tiye kokanjoya, baby."

I let him lead the way, my heels clicking against the ground as we got closer to the jet. We were greeted by suited men who led us into the luxurious plane with smiles on their faces. Once we were settled and had successfully taken off to God knows where, I turned away from the window to look at Towa, who already had his eyes on me.

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